VoIP Reseller: How to Start a Telecom Business with Minimum Investment

VoIP Headset

Communication is the key to the success of any business. So, it’s not a surprise that VoIP technology has transformed into a dominant telecommunication service worldwide with a vast array of reselling possibilities.

There are too many benefits to ignore when it comes to VoIP reselling — zero risks, low cost, own brand name, advanced VoIP technologies, and much more. But won’t you be just a small fish out of a big pool of sharks, unable to build a strong client base and lasting customer relationships? Read our piece of advice and don’t miss an opportunity to become a successful VoIP reseller.

What is VoIP Reselling?

VoIP Reselling is a tempting career for those who want to enter the Telecom industry but are tight on budget and aren’t experts in its advanced technologies. Once you enroll in a VoIP reseller program, you can start earning money by building your own clientele and providing them with the prime VoIP services.

3 Things to Know Before Starting a VoIP Reseller Business

There are a few steps that you should follow to kickstart your career as a VoIP Reseller:

1. Choose Your Business Model

Before starting as a VoIP reseller, you should select a proper business model. There are a couple of variants to choose from:

  • VoIP Dealer

The most basic and easiest way to enter the Telecom world is to become a VoIP dealer who is in charge of sales for some commission. You don’t need to recruit staff or take care of technical aspects, and your main goal is to attract more customers and make sales. The greatest disadvantage of being a VoIP Dealer is that you basically don’t have control over pricing, or other working aspects.

  • Self-sufficient VoIP Reseller

The upper level is called a self-sufficient VoIP reseller. Choosing this model, you’ll get more control — you can sell products as your own and take full responsibility for each step of the sales. Although being an independent VoIP reseller does require some technical skills, in return, your profit will be much higher.

  • Reseller for a Wholesale VoIP Provider

The last option with the highest level of responsibility is a reseller for a wholesale VoIP provider. This role includes selling products under your name, setting your own margins, and taking full control of all the working processes — from customer relationships to contracts and pricing.

2. Search for a Credible VoIP Provider

Choosing a trustworthy VoIP provider is the first step towards your successful career. But with the abundance of them on the market, this decision might not be as simple as it seems — each of them has its own terms and conditions, pricing, quality of support, etc. So, before picking the one to entrust your future, you should answer the following questions:

  • What is the monthly cost per user?
  • What amount of commission will you get?
  • What are the outgoing call charges?
  • Are there any long-term contracts for customers?
  • Is there any monthly sales target?
  • Is there a pre-sale consultancy provided by a supplier?
  • Does the supplier provide technical support?
  • Is there any setup fee for customers?
  • Is there a white label option?

Once you complete the checklist, you will get a full picture of the VoIP provider you are looking for.

3. Find Your Market

Every business makes calls and needs a reliable phone system. That’s why there is a pool of potential customers in each country worldwide. Of course, you can’t target all of them at once. So, you need to focus and find which market will be the most beneficial for you and target either a specific region or a specific type of business you want to work with.

The best option is to start with customers that are already familiar with VoIP service, as they already trust this technology and then go wider. Remember that several things differentiate you from other VoIP resellers, and these are the trust and quality of service.

Final Thoughts

Although a career as a VoIP reseller might seem lucrative from the first sight, it does require hard work if you want to succeed, enlarge the network of your customers, and grow your business. Now that you are aware of all the crucial points in VoIP reselling, you are ready to start your new career.

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