Steps to Start a Podcast


By Heidi Moore — Beverage Insurance Specialist & Host of “Wine Crush Podcast

My venture into podcasting started unexpectedly, blending inspiration with a touch of reluctance. The idea of hosting a podcast was as unfamiliar to me as winemaking intricacies. This journey wasn’t born from a long-standing dream but a chance meeting at the Portland Radio Project — a hub of ideas and innovation whose executive director, intrigued by my work in wine insurance, proposed I develop a podcast.

Admittedly, my experience with hosting or discussing wine was limited. My connection to the wine industry was new, and I was filled with eagerness to learn. As the podcast’s concept took shape, focusing solely on wine insurance quickly felt too narrow. I was more captivated by the vibrant stories of those I met in the wine world. These narratives were the real essence of the industry and steered the podcast’s direction away from technical discussions to celebrate the compelling, human stories behind the wine.

Finding the concept

The journey to conceptualize “Wine Crush” was one of discovery and creativity. Initially, I considered focusing the podcast on wine insurance, but I quickly realized this niche topic might not captivate a broader audience, being too specialized and potentially unengaging.

I aimed to find a concept that resonated deeply both with myself and potential listeners. Delving into the wine industry, I was captivated by the compelling stories of individuals I encountered. These were not the typical wine experts but real, relatable storytellers with unique experiences. It dawned on me these narratives were the essence of what I wanted to capture. Instead of a technical monologue on wine, “Wine Crush” would be a collection of these vibrant, personal stories, giving listeners a rich taste of the wine world’s diversity.

The challenge then was to choose a name that embodied this idea. After much thought, “Wine Crush” stood out — a playful yet meaningful choice, symbolizing both the literal grape-crushing process and my growing fascination with these wine stories.

Leveraging resources and building a team

Transitioning “Wine Crush” from concept to reality hinged on effectively leveraging resources and assembling a dedicated team. Fortuitously, the Portland Radio Project provided a significant boost, offering access to a professional studio and the necessary technical infrastructure. This ensured that, despite my initial inexperience in audio recording, the podcast would benefit from a sound quality that matched our ambitious content.

Crucial to the podcast’s success was the formation of a skilled team. A knowledgeable audio engineer ensured each recording’s clarity, avoiding the pitfalls of amateurish sound quality. Equally important was the role of our producer, who adeptly shaped and structured the episodes, overseeing the production process with a keen eye.

Simultaneously, establishing a robust social media presence became integral to our strategy. These platforms helped promote the podcast and provided a valuable channel for engaging with our audience and gathering feedback.

The journey of “Wine Crush” exemplifies the importance of a holistic approach to podcasting. It’s not just the strength of the idea or the charm of the content that counts, but also the quality of production and the synergy within the team that brings the vision to life.

Developing a unique style

I wanted the “Wine Crush” conversations to flow naturally, allowing each guest’s personality to shine through. This approach required moving away from a strict script and fostering a more organic dialogue, engaging them in a narrative that would captivate our listeners.

Finding my rhythm took time. I leaned into the art of conversation, a skill I had honed from a young age. Being able to talk to anyone about a wide range of topics, a trait my father encouraged, became invaluable and allowed me to connect with guests on various levels, creating a comfortable space for them to share their stories.

Ultimately, the unique style of “Wine Crush” emerged as a blend of structured storytelling and spontaneous conversation, enriched with carefully chosen music that set the mood for each episode. This format made the podcast stand out and allowed me to grow as a host, finding a balance between informative and entertaining.

Essential tips for beginners

For those venturing into the world of podcasting with little to no experience, I offer a distilled essence of my journey with “Wine Crush” in the form of essential tips:

  • Research your topic thoroughly: Choose a subject that interests you and has the potential to captivate an audience. Invest time in understanding your topic deeply, ensuring it’s worth the time and effort you will pour into it.
  • Prioritize sound quality: Poor audio is one of the biggest turn-offs for listeners. Seek help from individuals who can assist in producing clean, clear recordings.
  • Invest in good equipment: High-quality recording equipment is crucial, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. Do your research, read reviews, and don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations on affordable options that can deliver excellent results.
  • Choose engaging guests: The enjoyability of your podcast often hinges on your guests. People who are engaging in person typically bring that same energy on air.
  • Establish a social media presence: Social media platforms are invaluable for promoting your podcast, engaging with listeners, and building a community around your content.
  • Collaborate for cross-promotion: Partnering with others can help reach a wider audience. Cross-promotion is an effective strategy for audience expansion.
  • Enjoy the journey: Finally, have fun with the process. Be open to stepping outside your comfort zone, trying new things, and making necessary adjustments.

Embracing the podcasting journey

Podcasting is about more than just recording episodes. It’s a journey of discovery, both personal and professional. You’ll find yourself learning new skills, from technical aspects of recording to the art of storytelling. Embrace these growth opportunities, as they are what make the journey enriching.

Along the way, don’t be afraid to experiment and innovate. Your podcast is a canvas for your creativity, and its uniqueness will often stem from your willingness to try new approaches and ideas. Whether it’s experimenting with different formats, exploring diverse topics, or engaging with various guests, each decision shapes the identity of your podcast.

Your podcasting journey is a testament to your voice and vision — a platform to share your passion, engage with a community, and leave a mark in the ever-evolving digital landscape. As you embark on this adventure, hold onto the enthusiasm that sparked your interest in podcasting, and let it guide you through each step of this rewarding journey.

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Heidi Moore
Heidi Moore is an insurance broker by day with a special focus on wine, craft beer, cider, and farming. Ten years ago, she was not a wine drinker, but when the opportunity to learn about wine presented itself, she jumped at the chance to learn something new. She ended up falling in love with the personalities, the process, and the farming surrounding the wine industry. After that, she created the Wine Crush Podcast and felt it was a great opportunity to showcase the personalities in the wine industry, dispel the myths surrounding wine, and encourage those unsure about it to step up and try it!