Steps on How to Activate Two-Way Text Messaging

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Dariusz Sankowski / Pixabay

In the general run of things, text messages are sent from one person to another, creating a dialogue between two people. Though sometimes, we get text messages from businesses. Typically, these texts are ads, which are designed specifically to capture our interest. Naturally, an interested person would prefer to make one or two queries before purchasing what a business is selling.

However, unlike the texts we get from our friends and family, they tend to be one-way messages, as we cannot reply back to them. Nevertheless, some businesses have chosen to activate what is known as two-way text messaging, which allows customers to engage and make their queries directly in response to a message. This has proven to be beneficial for many businesses, as it directly connects them with their customer base, creating a dialogue between two people.

That said, here are a few steps to guide you on how to activate this powerful tool.

Choose a Two-Way Text Messaging Provider

The first step is choosing a two-way text messaging provider. The two-way text messaging market is rife with competition, with dozens of providers to choose from. However, in order to ensure that you are subscribed to the best suited service, you will need to begin by examining your business’s needs. Ideally, the aim will be to find a provider that offers an uninterrupted channel of communication between the customer and your business. This should enhance the business’s performance as it will be providing a better customer experience. One of the ingredients that make for a two-way text messaging provider’s success is the ability to stay on top of multiple conversations at once. Apart from having this feature connect you to more than one person at a time, it will optimize your workflow by snoozing conversations until a later time, marking the conversations that are completed, and filtering the messages by time-received or time-waiting.

Although some businesses may consider sending photos, documents, and more as mere gimmicks, a provider that does not support this feature may negatively impact the customer experience. So, make sure to research the reviews and pick the best platform for your business and its needs.

Mobile Phone
Jan Vašek / Pixabay

Send a Message

After downloading a two-way text messaging platform and logging in, you can begin texting. In order to send a text message from the platform, you will need to scroll to the top of the page and select the tab that is labeled ‘Broadcast’. You will then select the time you want it sent and the people you want it sent to. Though, it is essential to pick the best times to send out text messages for marketing purposes. Getting messages at 2 a.m. can deter potential customers, just because the message woke them up. The ideal time will be between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m., which is when people are up and working still. Lifestyle-oriented activities, like apps and web browsing, take up the evening hours. So, make sure you set the message to be sent at any time between these hours.

Go to Add-Ons

After broadcasting your message, select the ‘Add-Ons’ tab. This page will display a few sub-tabs underneath. You will need to scroll over to the ‘2-way Text Messaging’ tab. On this page, you will be able to activate your two-way text messaging feature. The activation button will be underneath the ‘Inbound & 2-Way Text Messages’ title head, which will have the activation date next to it. After it is activated, the button will be replaced with a cancellation button, which you can use to shut down the two-way channel of communication. Also, on this page, you will be able to track the incoming text messages and choose to reply to each message separately. Once you have replied to a message, you can check it off the list, and efficiently keep track of your conversations and manage them easily.

All in all, a two-way text messaging platform will enable your business, school, church, property or any other group to reap the benefits of sharing and connecting with the person on the other end. This way you can distinguish prospective buyers from disinterested people, and thus focus your tools on turning potential clients from prospects to actual buyers. After doing so, you may then attempt swaying the hearts of your disinterested audience and understand why they are unmoved by your product or service. The potential is limitless; that is why it is important for all types of organizations to employ this tool and utilize its capabilities. Especially since the advantages come at an inexpensive price. Though, remember, in order to capitalize on two-way text messaging, make sure to send the broadcasts during agreeable hours.

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