Owner of Multiple Businesses Shares Entrepreneurial Expertise/Success

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As someone who has been self-employed since the age of 23, Bella Bambino founder Rebecca Barlow has run into every bottleneck and inefficiency you could possibly imagine. Along the way, she’s learned a few major lessons: One, she’s learned that there’s no magic potion to increase the need to more productive – instead, it’s something she’s had to figure out over the years. Second, she’s learned that sometimes, it’s a matter of waiting it out when it’s become difficult to be productive and get things done. However, when she hasn’t had the luxury of waiting it out, she’s learned some crucial tips to maximize productivity:

1: Delegate! If you have staff working for you, take a good look at each person’s strengths and weaknesses and delegate accordingly. You can’t do everything on your own – there are no self-made millionaires – only team made. If you don’t yet have a team of staff working for you, look into outsourcing as much as you possibly can. There are very low cost ways to get things done. Virtual assistants are awesome! You can also outsource mundane but important tasks, like bookkeeping, and things that will free you up to be creative and focus on building your business, rather than working in your business. For me personally, nothing ruins my productivity more then having to stop and run to the grocery store or do accounting – those are things I outsource on a daily basis.

2: Stop checking email first! We’re all guilty of opening up the email first thing in the morning, or right when we get to our desk. Most of the time, emails aren’t time sensitive and can wait until later. Tackle the most important tasks of your day first thing in the morning and get it out-of-the-way! Then, you will have all the time you want for emails and social media!

3: Two-minute rule! This is something I read about a while ago and it really works. If something takes less than two minutes, do it now! You’ll be surprised at how many tasks take under two minutes, and you will clear a lot from your to-do list very quickly if you follow this rule.

4: Exercise! In order to be at maximum productivity, you must take care of yourself first. Ideally, you should exercise in the morning and spend a little time in prayer or meditation and focus on how you want the day to go. Tony Robbins calls this “priming.” Take some time for yourself every morning before you start working to set the tone for your day – you’ll be surprised at how much more productive you are when you put yourself first!

5: Set the tone! Whether you’re working from home or an office, make sure to have a dedicated space for creativity and workflow. I like to light a candle, and put some background music on. Lately, I’ve been using binary beats for focus. Hop onto Pandora or Spotify, and find something that makes you feel motivated and focused. Play it in the background so it’s not distracting – just background noise to help you focus. Often time, I will set a timer for an hour and play music or binary beats in the background. When the hours over and the timer rings, I take a break and I’m usually shocked at how much I’ve accomplished.

These are just a few of the things that have worked for me over the years. I still have my unproductive moments, but utilizing the steps really does help pull me back into a productive mode!

About Rebecca Barlow

Rebecca BarlowRebecca Barlow founded Bella Bambino Nannies in 2002. As a former nanny and working mother of 4, Rebecca understands the challenges you face when seeking in home childcare for your precious little ones. Recently, Rebecca has joined forces with Amy Bonnett, Amy brings with her several years of recruiting and staffing experience and a wealth of knowledge in the industry. As a mother herself, Amy is sympathetic to the needs of the parents she works with. Together, Rebecca and Amy have joined forces to create a domestic staffing company that is unparalleled in the industry. With Rebecca and Amy at the helm, Bella Bambino Nannies has grown and flourished into a fully staffed nationwide service that is known for its attention to detail and personalized customer service.

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