How to Run a Successful Hair Tips Blog

Blogging is pretty much taking over the internet, right? It’s EVERYWHERE. People are blogging about literally everything — whether it’s fashion, makeup, politics, news, or even hair tips — and it’s easier than ever to get your views out there and gather a following.

In order to run a successful blog, you need a following. Sure, it might be good fun to make, but if no one is reading what you have to say, you might as well be keeping a diary, or chatting to a mirror. There are several ways to ensure you keep people interested in what you have to say, but it’s often dependent on your target audience as to what those methods are.

Today, we’re going to be covering how to run a successful hair tips blog in particular.

Gratisography / Pexels

Know the Latest Trends and Products

In order to stay relevant in the art of offering Hair Insights and tips, you MUST know the latest trends and products that are taking over the market right now.

In order to be considered relevant, you have to be talking about what’s relevant right now — if you’re sharing hair products and tips that other bloggers have covered months ago, then you’re likely to end up in trouble with subscriptions. No one wants to reread old news, so do your research, and know what’s in right now!

It’s never been easier to find this stuff out. Literally go online, and treat it like a research project. Find out what the big names in hair are using, and possibly even what celebrities and influencers are recommending. Opinions and reviews from a real, “normal person” on such products are always big hits with readers and subscribers, trust us. Keep your readers interested in what you’re posting, and you can’t fail.

Know Your Niche Market

All blogs are aimed at a niche market of sorts. Knowing yours is integral to the overall success of your blog, so get to know who they are.

Your market is usually determined by categorical qualities, such as age, gender, style etc. For example, the content on a hair tips blog for older, balding men is going to be entirely different to one aimed at teenagers and young adult women, isn’t it?

Usually, your audience should be able to relate to you — so it’s a good idea to aim it at people who you understand, and share things in common with. If you’re an older woman, it would be a better idea to target older women and so on.

But it’s not just about age, gender etc. Think about hair type too! For example, if you have beautiful curly hair that’s a little difficult to tame at times, aim your blog at fellow curly haired beings! Likewise, if you’ve got straight, flat hair and want to enhance the volume, aiming your blog at those in a similar scenario is likely to make it more successful. All hair is different, remember that.

Try Your Hand at Vlogging

Now, we know we’re giving tips on blogging — but why not try to incorporate some vlogging hair tutorials into your blog posts?

In the blogsphere of hair/makeup and general beauty, vlogging is HUGE. Take a look at Zoella for example, who has made millions from her online hair and makeup tutorial vlogs. In many ways, in this industry, vlogging is the new blogging.

So, as well as writing reviews on products and giving tips out in word format, try your hand at some video tutorials. If you’re great at doing loose beachy waves for example, share your process in video format. Online consumers LOVE the ease of watching videos and copying them step by step to try out new things with their appearance.

As we previously stated, it’s all about remaining relevant — and in order to do that, vlogging is fairly necessary.


Last of all, but by no means least, SEO — or search engine optimisation — is a great way of increasing the flow of online traffic onto your blog in order to boost popularity.

It’s all about using keywords — so with hair tips it might be “top hair tips” or something more specific like “beachy waves for short hair”. By focusing on using these specific key words, you can boost your search engine rating. This means when people type said keywords into their preferred search engine, your blog will rank on a higher page, and will therefore be more easily seen.

That’s a very basic explanation of what SEO is, but there is a wealth of information on how to utilise it well online. It’s great for popularity — and after all isn’t that what a successful blog is all about?

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