How to Obtain the Skills and Qualifications for the Most Sought-after Jobs

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

The world of work is constantly changing and evolving. The skills that were in demand yesterday may not be required at all tomorrow. Yet there are personal qualities and abilities that will always have a place in business. These are the so-called ‘soft skills’ that, along with the relevant qualifications, can enhance your career and help you advance to the very top of your chosen field.


At the start of your career, you’ll frequently see advertisements asking for applicants who are adaptable and/or flexible. This often means that you may be asked to work long and/or unsociable hours, as well as being prepared to meet new challenges and use your initiative. Developing these qualities in relatively low-status jobs will serve you well as you work your way up the career ladder.

Meeting challenges

There are several ways that you can demonstrate your aptitude for meeting new challenges. Starting your own home business is one option. A part-time job alongside your studies will show that you are resourceful and capable of good time management. A management-focused internship with a suitable company will help you learn people-focused communication skills, as well as teamwork, reliability and problem-solving. Even going traveling on a gap year can show that you are prepared to challenge yourself and adapt to new situations.

Business skills

As well as life experience, the best way to hone your business skills is through an appropriate qualification, which also acts as universally recognized proof of your capabilities. Kettering University offers online MBA programs in business administration, covering subjects such as finance, accounting, marketing and people management. Alongside the core program, you can also specialize in a choice of modern business practices, global leadership, healthcare management, operations management or supply chain management.

A mixed basket

Many high-level roles, from investment banking to law and executive-level management, require a mixed basket of personal qualities that you can develop in yourself and learned knowledge. Formal qualifications are important, but so is experience working in different aspects of your chosen field. This is one reason why online programs are so helpful, as they can be undertaken alongside your working life without needing to take dedicated time out.

Emotional intelligence

Until recently, emotional intelligence has been a sorely underrated attribute in the jobs market. Being able to get along well with people while respecting their personal space is a highly valuable trait in any workplace environment, and the employee or manager who can successfully negotiate difficult encounters or overcome personality clashes will be much sought after. Resilience in the face of setbacks, and being able to work smoothly through the tough times, count for a great deal.

Today’s career market requires lifelong learning, as skills need to be constantly refreshed and updated. Being the kind of person who wants to learn, meet new challenges, and who works well with others, taking a leadership role when necessary, will serve you well whatever sector you’re working in. Being a good manager means working with people, and ultimately it is these people skills that will get you ahead.

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