How to Land a Work from Home Job During the Pandemic

People Working at Home
Photo by Tim Samuel from Pexels

After the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people lost their source of livelihood. Some companies had to make the painful decision of closing their operations or working on reduced salaries and limited staff.

Because of that, it has been difficult for many to take care of their bills or continue with the projects they had initially started.

However, a new normal has been established. That of working from home.

But landing home-based work can also be difficult. Here are a few essential tips that will help you land an at-home position during this pandemic.

Expand Your Job Options

If you lost your job during the pandemic and are seriously looking to land another one, you will have to expand your job options.

When looking for work, it is the normal tendency to focus only on your career job. However, during a crisis, you must get flexible.

Currently, many companies are hiring as things are starting to return to normalcy. Your willingness to go into untested career paths can get you back into the job market.

Assess your skills and then match them with the available jobs. For instance, if you worked as a liaison officer, the people management skills can help you in doing a customer service-related job.

Turn Your Attention to Online Work Platforms

The pandemic has turned the online gig economy into a gold mine. There are online platforms that are offering a workplace to sell your skills for a fee.

For example, if you worked as a graphic designer at a company and got laid off, you could sell your skills by getting graphic design jobs to bring in some cash through the platforms.

The good thing is that the platforms allow you to create your profiles and update all your relevant skills so potential clients can assess and give you jobs if you qualify. Making YouTube videos, web development, writing blogs, affiliate marketing, selling stocks, and video editing are some of the online jobs you can undertake.

Join Online Job Communities

People will often hear about jobs and post them in online communities and social media platforms. These are the communities you need to join if you are actively looking to land a job while at home.

Join as many as possible to give yourself the best chance of getting one. LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter have many communities you can join.

Evaluate and Enhance Your Skills

As you are patiently waiting to land a job during this pandemic, it’s imperative that you improve your skills while learning new ones. You can do that by taking online courses.

There are numerous work from home jobs such as content writing, digital marketing, transcription work, becoming a virtual assistant, and others that will require you to take up courses to acquire the essential skills.

Learning new skills can get you on a different career path and make it easier to land a new job. For instance, if you are a graphic designer, you can improve your skills by taking on programming courses. That way, you can apply for jobs in social media marketing and web development.

Some of the best digital course sites include Coursera, Udemy, Udacity, Alison, LinkedIn Learning, and Edx.

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