Business Travel Need Not Be Tedious When You Are Living Out of a Suitcase

According to author Jase Ramsey, PhD., “The consequences of not performing well on a business trip are grave, thus anything that increases an already stressful environment is worth addressing.”

While most of us sometimes sit behind our desk, stare blankly into the screen and wish we could have jobs that allow us to travel the world, people whose jobs actually require them to travel may not share the same sentiment.

How bad can it be though? The eutopic view presented by movie stereotypes is that this form of travel is no more than simply having time away from the office and enjoying time on sandy beaches.

It’s easy to forget that business travel is exactly what it says – it’s business, it’s work, and there is pressure. On top of the rush to get to meetings, business travel also involves being stuck at airports for hours on end, long flights, being away from loved ones, living out of a suitcase and the same hotel food day in day out.

‘Bluesmart connected carry on’ – Maurizio Pesce via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

A change to fit the idealistic part of the stereotype

Stressful as it may seem, it does not have to be that way. It all boils down to you planning your trips well so that travels are more comfortable and transitions into other countries and cultures become seamless.

While it may seem pedantic and an almost insult to state the obvious, an up-to-date knowledge of the travel itinerary with respect to flight and meeting times makes the difference between being prepared and getting stressed. It also means avoiding emergency spending for essential items that have been left due to last-minute packing.

The logistics of travel dictate that arriving a minimum of two or three hours prior to flight departure mentally prepares you for the journey. It helps you go through security without being stressed, which is also important. Plenty of time allows for leisurely exploration of mentally stimulating and distracting activities like tinkering with ebooks, playing various app games or possibly exploring player bonuses on an online casino of your choice. Making calls to or chatting with family and friends is also extremely therapeutic for business travel.

‘Young woman drinking water’ – Emilian Robert Vicol via Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Time and health aligned

Allocating ample time for transport or taxi transfers to and from the airport takes away the panic and stress of having to navigate through a new or unfamiliar city. The earlier plans are executed the less likely that tardiness will occur due to unforeseen circumstances.

Finally, the most neglected part of business travel is the need to hydrate and take care of the body while it is experiencing the flux that comes from different time zone adaptation. Ideally, the liquid of choice should be water, as on-flight coffee is not a good idea. Coffee controversy aside, it is imperative to drink and nibble so that the body is kept in tip-top performance state, especially if the chances of a hurried conference meeting right after you land are high.

In the end, preparation and a positive mindset are key and will make your travels more manageable and enjoyable.

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