How to Boost Small Business Online Security

Nowadays, building a business is easier than ever, especially if much of your activity will be carried out online. However, technological development also comes with its downside as cyber theft and malware threats are constantly growing. You might imagine that your small business is not at risk, but on the world wide web, everyone is a vulnerable target. Here are some critical aspects to help you boost your businesses’ online security.

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Get a Firewall for Your Network

Whenever someone outside your business tries to get access to your data, they should encounter obstacles. The first defense your small business must be provided with is a firewall. This technology helps you protect critical data like bank account details and personal information. Needless to say, your company can be ruined if this falls into the wrong hands.

A firewall will detect any threat and try to block it. If someone tries to send large amounts of data to an untrusty source, the firewall will spot the transaction. All your network traffic is supervised and safeguarded through this security method. It can block any suspicious sites and restrict confidential data emailing.

Regular Credentials Change

Both you and your staff need to change your username and password regularly. The recommended interval is 90 days. You can set up automatic notifications that remind your staff to perform this changes.

Using the same password for a long period exposes it to higher cyber criminal risk. You should take this into account even if you don’t have a large team or you simply work on your own from the comfort of your home. In fact, if you developed a home business, don’t overlook online safety measurements. SSL certificates for home businesses will protect your data and give you confidence.

Ask Everyone to Use Strong Password

Just changing your password is not enough. Choosing a weak one is worse than not changing it. Make sure you and your employees comply with some basic requirements. Your passwords should not include basic personal information like your name or the name of someone in your family. It shouldn’t be made up of your date of birth. It’s better to set up a complex password that includes numbers, letters, and special characters.


Organize Your Back-Up Thoroughly

When it comes to data backup, small businesses require the same careful planning as large corporations. You should be sure that all the critical information that keeps your business going is safely stored in two locations. You could save all your files on an external hardware, but be very careful where you keep it. Another solution is to get a backup software. There are many other ways to safely store your archive, so make sure you do something to prevent data loss.

Set Up Access Restrictions to Sensitive Information

Depending on your activity and number of employees, you might need to limit their access to certain information. If you have a client database that includes sensitive details, it is better to set up restrictive access. Grant permission only to those employees who should operate with this data.

Moreover, the critical information of any business is usually accessible only by employees with an executive role. Make sure this rule is also applied in your small business. Think carefully who should have visibility and establish a strict access protocol.

Make Sure Your Employees Understand the Principles of Online Security

Teaching your staff, the basics of online data security is essential. You want everyone to be as careful as you, so highlight the importance of safety standards. Have a general induction training with new joiners and refreshment sessions with the entire staff every now and then. You don’t have to be a specialist, give them some common sense guidelines.

  • Don’t share your credentials with anyone
  • Don’t access any suspicious mail
  • Double-check the recipient before sending out sensitive information

Encrypt Your Work Devices

Devices like laptops and mobile phones are a precious source of sensitive data. Unfortunately, they are also vulnerable. These devices can easily be stolen or lost. You have to take safety measures in case it happens. Both phones and laptops should be provided with strong passwords and encryption. This will ensure your information is safe and can’t be accessed by unauthorized persons.

Get a Strong Antivirus Software

Online security implies proper antivirus protection. Your small business must have an antivirus software to be safe against spyware, viruses, keyloggers, and adware. Every now and then, check the web for any recent updates on antivirus software. If a new version or soft has been released, you might consider it if it fits your security needs.

Bottom line

Online security is not an additional safety precaution. It is ultimately necessary for every business of any size. Malware threats and cyber attacks are more frequent and dangerous than ever. Defend your business in the online environment using the safety measurements we mentioned above and always be careful with whom you share confidential information offline.

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