Our Top 6 Tips to Make Your Office More Eco-friendly


If the recent climate change protests which took place in major cities across the UK have taught us anything, it’s that this subject is rarely out of the news. With the tough economic climate making equally large headlines, it’s often difficult for small business owners and entrepreneurs to think about going green, especially when profits are harder to come by.

An organisation which demonstrates that it cares for the environment is more likely to gain favourable PR and attract talented employees who have a sizeable eco-conscience. Therefore, it will pay dividends in the long run to consider ways in which you can operate in a more eco-friendly way.

Luckily, we’ve come up with these 6 tops ways in which your business can help save water and energy.

1. Fit eco water-saving toilets

Recently, it was revealed that the UK’s 10 hottest years on record have all occurred since 2002, meaning, if climate change continues at this pace, droughts will become commonplace. To help do your bit, one thing you can do is upgrade the toilets in your workplace to those with a dual flush. With a little education given to your employees, this should help cut water wastage.

2. Reduce your plastic waste

Encouraging the use of reusable plastics within your organisation will certainly put you on the front foot when it comes to being environmentally-friendly. If you have a vending machine which dispenses throwaway drinks bottles, consider installing a chilled water tap instead. Not only is it a healthier option for your workforce, it’ll also give them somewhere to catch up on last night’s TV — hence the term “water-cooler moments”!

3. Install motion-detector lighting

If your office only has conventional lighting installed, it could certainly be worthwhile fitting motion-sensor lighting. A more sophisticated form of illumination, these lights switch off after a set time if no one is using a certain part of the office, helping to save on your energy bills.


4. Fit sophisticated taps that save water

Unfortunately, office workers aren’t always the most reliable when it comes to turning taps off. If your toilets contain conventional lever or handle-operated spouts, it may be a good idea to consider replacing them. Non-concussive taps can be commonly found in public toilets, as they only remain in the on position for a set time. Better still, motion sensor taps don’t require users to touch them, meaning they’re more hygienic.

5. Fix drips and leaks as soon as you spot them

A dripping tap may seem like a minor irritation but, when left too long, those wasted litres of water will certainly add up. It’s always best to fix any drips or leaks as soon as they become apparent. Taps really aren’t too difficult to replace and, even if you don’t fancy a spot of DIY, the plumber’s bill shouldn’t be too extortionate!

6. Reduce your carbon footprint with good housekeeping

At the end of the day (quite literally), running an eco-friendly office is all about housekeeping. When the working day is done, encourage all employees to switch off electrical appliances, including computers, fans, lamps and so on. Make sure windows are closed during colder months, to ensure you won’t need to crank up the thermostat. Also, see how you can lower the amount of paper mail you send — fax from computer or send emails whenever possible.

These are just the “tip” of the iceberg when it comes to becoming an eco-friendly employer of choice. You could encourage bicycle or electric vehicle usage and even reward green initiatives. The possibilities really are endless.

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