7 Ways to Turn Your Office Green

Going green is a great way for businesses to make a positive impact on the community while providing a cleaner, sustainable future for the world we all live in. But how do you start on the path towards making your business a little more eco-friendly? We’ve complied 7 great tips, all designed to help you cut down on the paper, lessen your carbon footprint, and ultimately help your company easily adapt to a newer, greener outlook. Let’s get started, shall we?

1) Give your printer a permanent leave of absence

One easy way to make your business greener is by cutting down on paper usage. You can do this easily and still keep efficiency high by switching over to cloud based software. Cloud apps like eSlip’s online invoicing software cuts down on paper usage by allowing receipts and invoices to be created, tracked, and sent electronically without having to print, file, or stamp anything. There are also file sharing programs like Soonr that allow employees to share documents and ideas back and forth without ever having to press the print button.

Both of these apps, plus others, have the capability to turn a company into a lean, green, digital machine. The best part? Most cloud apps come with a free trial so you can try them out and find the right fit for you.

But for when you absolutely must print, just remember to…..

2) Print smarter!

Try printing on both sides of the paper and always purchase recycled paper for your printers to use. Some office supply stores also offer remanufactured printer cartridges which allow you to cut down on ink and cost. Check with your current supplier to see what they offer in terms of green office supplies.

3) Be bright about your light

Is your office still using fluorescent lights? Try talking to your building’s management about switching outdated bulbs for brighter and more efficient CFL and LED bulbs. They often last much longer and use less energy, making your office a brighter and greener place. Not to mention, your building management will also save money in the long run.

4) Purchase eco-friendly cleaning materials for the office

Consider switching over to purchasing all-natural, non-toxic, and eco-friendly cleaning materials. Search for the labels that say “90% biodegradable in 3 days” or “phosphate-free”, or products that do not contain ammonia, alcohols, or chlorine. These products are often sold right next to popular brands in most stores. The next time you make a run to the store to stock up on soap or antibacterial wipes, try opting for a safer, healthier, greener option.

5) Start e-signing your documents

We’ve already talked about switching over to cloud software to manage paperwork, but what about the documents you have to send out to clients and prospective partners? Try switching over to an e-signature program like SignInBlue or EchoSign that allows you to send and sign documents all from your email. E-Signatures are  green, they’re digital, and best of all, they cut down on paper and money spent on packaging documents to send to or from clients, partners, and prospects.

6) Recycle, recycle, recycle!

Try designating two trashcans in your break room, kitchen, or conference room as either “trash” or “recycling” Have everyone pitch in and start separating their cans from tissues, bottles from food waste, and your business will be greener in no time! You can also sign up for recycling to be picked up by your local waste management service, saving you a trip to the dump and gifting you with the knowledge that you’re doing your part for the environment.

Want to take recycling a step further? Try composting or persuade your employees to take it up for themselves at home. Check with your city’s sanitation office for information on classes and bins that you can get started with. Depending on where you live, you might have access to services like CompostNow or CompostCab which picks up food waste and either delivers your compost right back to your door or brings it to a farmer in need of organic fertilizer. Composting is a great way to not only give back to Mother Earth but to also help out a few gardeners as well.

7) Bicycle power is green power, too!

Incentivize your employees to reduce their own carbon footprint by encouraging them to ride their bikes, start a carpool, buy a hybrid car, take the bus, or walk to work. In addition to the money it’ll save them, it’ll also help you encourage your employees to take your company’s green stance into their own personal lives. Both you and your employees will save money over time and will only help further strengthen your company’s commitment to be more environmentally conscious.

Whether your company is large or small, these seven tips are designed to fit into any size budget and will help you start your journey towards a greener future. Now, go forth and start making the world a better place to live in!

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Jennifer Hutchison has the pleasure of being the Director of Customer Success/Project Manager for InfoStreet. She is an avid tech and small business blogger currently based in Los Angeles and got her start writing for her high school newspaper. She has covered a wide range of topics including beauty products, travel, books, technology, pop culture, and small businesses. Jennifer is a graduate of CSUN, where she majored in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing. In her spare time, Jennifer can be found outdoors with her camera in hand.