10 Solar Powered Products That Are Changing the World

Solar Panel in Nature

Solar power is an entirely green energy source that causes no harm to the environment. It was first invented in 1954 when Chapin, Fuller, and Pearson developed the first PV cell at Bell Labs. Since then, it has become an incredible achievement, allowing businesses and homes to produce electrical power without the use of non-renewable resources like coal or natural gas.

Solar power works by absorbing the earth’s natural sunlight and generating an electrical current from it. There are many benefits to it, leading more and more people to make the switch. In this article, we are going to take a look at ten different solar powered products that are changing the world. Sound interesting? Then let’s get started!

House solar panels

One of the most well-known solar inventions is the home solar panels that are placed on rooftops across the globe, from small houses to larger establishments. Not only does this give landowners the opportunity to take responsibility for their own energy and be off the grid, but you can also save money by putting back into the electrical grid.

While some people believe that installing solar panels is an expensive process, it actually is quite affordable. Especially when you take into consideration how much money you will save in the long run. The cost of solar panels has changed over time, and they’re now a great option for lowering your electricity bills. You should do your research to get an idea of solar panel costs if you’re interested in going solar — you won’t regret it! It’s an investment that is definitely worth it, and they require little maintenance.

Solar-powered generator

A generator is a great backup tool, especially if you live in an area that is prone to tornados, severe storms, or earthquakes. However, regular generators can be expensive to maintain. You have to have enough fuel to keep them running, and they require extensive maintenance. Which isn’t always possible if you are in the middle of a blackout!

Solar generators are a great alternative and will ensure that you always have power no matter what. While they do have a higher upfront cost, they require less maintenance and are much quieter than their competitors. On top of all this, energy from the sun is free!

Solar windows

While the development of solar windows is still in its testing phase, it could certainly be one of our greatest inventions. The idea is that glass surfaces such as large windows on buildings will be able to absorb sunlight similar to home solar panels. This would be a significant advancement, allowing much more energy to be captured from tall office buildings and other structures.

Solar garden devices

Maintaining a large garden can be extremely difficult, especially when you have so many other things to worry about. While they aren’t trendy yet, solar-powered automatic lawnmowers have been created, which can help you cut your grass while assisting the great environment.

Another invention that is still in its testing phase is the garden robot. Running on solar, it can monitor your different plants and water them when needed. How unique is technology! Make sure you keep an eye out for this one!

Solar-powered tent

If you have been camping before, then you probably know how easy it is to lose your batteries during the trip. Nighttime lighting can be a hassle. However, solar-powered tents have offered a great alternative. While these aren’t officially mainstream yet, they have been used for large-scale operations, such as homeless shelters, military operations, and music festivals.

Solar oven

Cooking while camping uses a large amount of fuel, which can be very expensive. Solar ovens have been invented to solve this issue, which can help campers cook delicious meals without damaging the environment. They are still portable and lightweight; however, they do cook things at a lower temperature. That being said, almost anything can be cooked in this type of oven, from meat and vegetables to campfire dessert! The options are endless, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Solar chargers

Sometimes it’s not always easy to find a charging port near you, especially if you are traveling or in a foreign location. Solar chargers have quickly become a popular choice for many and are compact and lightweight enough to take with you on the go, however there are larger options available. A portable solar charger ensures that you can always stay connected wherever you are in the world. From the highest mountain to the deepest canyon, you will always be able to find your way.

Solar road

Definitely one of the most bizarre creations on our list, solar roads have made an appearance in many countries; however, their effectiveness is uncertain. In 2015, in the Netherlands, their solar-powered bike path was said to have exceeded all expectations, generating 3000 kWh in six months. However, others believe that it is simply not worth the time and money that it costs to install and maintain. If, however, it was possible to fix these issues, it would undoubtedly be an incredible achievement.

Solar backpacks

Want a way to generate power while you are walking around the city? Then solar-powered backpacks are your answer! Equipped with panels in the back, you can absorb energy to charge your devices anytime, anywhere. There are many different types to choose from, so there is something to suit everyone’s style. You can even get a solar-powered hat to match!

Solar-powered outdoor security system

Last on the list, and definitely a great invention, solar-powered outdoor security systems are becoming increasingly popular choices for homeowners. Running a regular system can be expensive, especially if you are live streaming all day and night. Solar-powered systems have offered a great alternative, allowing homeowners to feel safe day and night, without having to worry about harming the environment.

And that’s it! When looking at how advanced these different products are, it’s incredible to see how far solar power has come since its creation in 1954. With it being a completely green and renewable energy source, it has little disadvantages. However, the future of its existence is still unclear, with some countries taking it on board, and other’s not so convinced.

What do you think the future of solar power will be?

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