Podcast: Thrive in the Gig Economy – Interview with Olga Mizrahi, National Speaker and Marketing Expert

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Interview with Olga Mizrahi, National Speaker and Author

More people than ever are employed by freelance and other on-demand work. It offers great flexibility and income potential, and there are important elements and factors involved that every worker needs to be aware of – whether they’re currently in the on-demand markets or considering it as a career.

In this episode of Home Business TV, Richard “Capt’n” Henderson and Managing Editor Sherilyn Colleen interview Olga Mizrahi, national speaker and marketing expert on the gig economy, an instructor of the Digital Marketing Program for the University of California, Irvine and an Airbnb Open Speaker. Her new book, THE GIG IS UP: Thrive in the Gig Economy, Where Old Jobs are Obsolete and Freelancing is the Future (Greenleaf, February 27, 2018) offers boots-on-the-ground methods for success by evolving the reader’s perspective and process.

She is a local Southern California business owner, a blogger for entrepreneurs and freelancers at ChunkofChange.com, and a small business columnist for The Long Beach Post. Mizrahi’s first book is Sell Local, Think Global (Career Press, 2014).

Subjects discussed in this podcast include:

* Ways to make the most of the gig economy we’re living in
* Tools for getting started
* Hurdles involved when it comes to making the gig a full-time venture
* How to make the leap from side hustle to full time
* If she’s seen any unethical behavior in her research and experiences, and what people should look out for
* Who will thrive the most in the gig economy and why
* Strategies for retirees looking for a second act, or parents juggling their kids

So tune in to hear Olga’s insight about how to get ahead in the gig economy and grow your business into a career.

Episode Sponsor: Cruises, Inc. * www.SellCruises.com

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