Podcast – Put the Gig Economy to Work for You

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Interview with Gig Guru Dr. Curtis Odom

The new gig economy offers unparalleled opportunities for home business owners to tap into talent, to grow and expand a business. Within a matter of hours, you can literally start from scratch searching for gig help, and then have that new talent plugged into supporting your business. This puts home business owners on an even playing field with corporate America. But you need to know how to manage this gig talent.

Sherilyn Colleen and Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interview Dr. Curtis Odom, President of Stuck On Start Coaching. Dr. Curtis Odom is a seasoned talent management professional and is the author of four books, including Generation X Approved and From Campus to Corner Office.

Curtis Odom

Subjects discussed in podcast include:

  • How managing gig employees differs between corporate America and a small business
  • Ways that small business owners can engage and retain talent in the gig economy
  • How a business owner can lead with influence instead of authority
  • Five ways for home business leaders to build lasting relationships with their gig economy workforce
  • How today’s new workforce dynamics differ from old workplace thinking

So, tune in and learn how you can easily connect with gig workers to build your business.

Episode Sponsor: Downline Builders Network * mailpostcardsfromhome.com

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Interview Guest:

Curtis Odom












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