4 Things You Need to Know If You Want to Start Freelancing in 2020


Freelancing has so many benefits. As a freelancer, you get more freedom to manage your time, you pick the clients you want, and you get to work as much or as little as you would like. For online freelancers, you get the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. As the word freelance suggests, it comes with so much freedom. But is it a real deal? If you would love to get into freelancing in 2020, below are some of the things you should know.

Freelancing Is Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme

Freelancing is not a scam, but it’s not a get rich quick scheme either. There are so many people making big figures working a few hours every day, but you shouldn’t get into freelance expecting to make that overnight. Just like with most jobs, expect to start at a lower hourly rate and with fewer clients. Then, from there, you can grow your income as your skills improve, and as you discover more tips for your job. Some freelancers will land their dream clients within the first few weeks, and for others, it may take months. The key is to stay determined, keep looking and keep learning.

Beware of Scammers

Not all the freelancing opportunities you will come across are legit. Some are scams by people who want to steal your money or use your valuable skills without paying a cent. Thus, be careful when looking for clients. If you are asked to pay some money to register for an opportunity, that could be a scam. Also, if the client doesn’t want to give you information about themselves, he or she could be a scammer, so proceed with caution. Reviews on the internet can also help you in identifying scams. Thus, look them up too before working with a particular client. Don’t be in a rush to start working before you look up a few details.

Discipline Is Key for Success

As mentioned above, you get a lot of freedom as a freelancer. However, with so much freedom, you need discipline otherwise you will not succeed. You need to be disciplined to submit the client’s work on time. You need to be disciplined to work enough hours to sustain your living. When you are not disciplined, you will not meet the clients’ expectations and your goals. You will lose your freelancing gigs to disciplined freelancers. Therefore, as you go into freelancing, work on your self-discipline. Make goals, stay away from distractions, and push yourself even when the going feels tough. If you are working from home, consider setting up a home office. This will keep you more focused.

Opportunities Are Plenty

With new technologies, and both employers and job seekers realizing the benefits of freelancing, the freelancing economy has grown a lot over the years. The growth is both in the number of freelancing opportunities as well as the number of sectors hiring freelancers. Therefore, you don’t have to be worried about finding a gig or the right gig for you. If you are not sure about the freelancing path you should pursue, you can try out a number to find what fits you best. There is also so much information on freelancing on the internet, so you won’t get lost when looking for opportunities available. However, ensure you get this information from reputable sites, preferably from people who have experience in the freelancing world.

Finally, note that in freelancing, since you are not working under an employment contract, there are some months that you may go without much work. Freelance clients can disappear anytime, at times even without warning. There are days when you may apply for gigs and not get a response. So, plan ahead once you start working. Have some savings that can see you through a few months when you get a dry season.

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