3 Productivity Tips for Freelancers

Woman working on a laptop

Being a freelancer is a dream job for a lot of people. Not traveling every day for work, starting and ending anytime you want, and accepting the projects you only like doing are just some of the pros a freelancer could get. But with this great freedom and power over your job also comes great responsibility.

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With certain strategies, doing what’s necessary to get the job done and crossing off many tasks on your to-do list can become second nature. Here are some productivity tips you can work with.

1. Set up an invoice generator as soon as possible.

For some people, there may be instances where they feel more motivated to work once they have seen how much they have accomplished. Aside from saving you lots of time when it comes to requesting payments from your clients, having an invoice generator ready from the start can serve as a kind of checklist of all the work you have done with its corresponding amounts.

2. Change your mindset.

The hardest part of being a freelancer is finding the perfect time to start working. One of the ways you can beat this is to train your mind to view it like you’re working an 8-to-5 job. This way, you will know that those are your official working hours. Sure, you can work earlier or beyond the schedule. But as much as possible, try to stick to this plan to increase your productivity.

3. Make a productivity tracker.

Whether this is a simple checklist or a calendar containing all the work you’d need to finish, a tracker of some sort will help you prioritize which projects you should complete first. Treat this as your confidence-booster. There may be times when you feel like you have an overwhelming lineup of projects to finish, but once you start ticking them off your list, then you will see progress. You can also sync this with your clients’ calendars so they can see how much work you’ve already done. A productivity tracker is recommended if your outputs are set in milestones.

It may be fun to be in charge of your time. But being a freelancer also entails that you are the only one responsible for sending invoices, getting clients, and organizing daily work tasks. It may be tough at first, but with these productivity tips, you’ll be the most effective version of your freelancer self in no time!

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