U.S. Small Businesses & Global eCommerce

Over $424 billion is the total value of cross-border ecommerce transactions predicted by experts for 2021. That’s a massive amount of money on the table that your business can get in on if you’re offering your products or services to other countries beyond your domestic US customers. However, according to an infographic released by WorldFirst, a leader in international money transfers, only 3.9% of US small businesses are exporting their goods.

The holidays are upon us, which means 2018 is right around the corner. Make yourself a promise to consider cross-border ecommerce as your New Year’s resolution if you’re wanting to grow your home business. There are numerous resources available via SBA.gov to make the process as simple as possible. So, what are you waiting for?

For more interesting facts about the state of US small business in the global ecommerce space, check out WorldFirst’s infographic below.

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