How Startups Can Leverage the Power of Social Media to Grow a Customer Base


In the modern business landscape, social media is essential to any organisation’s success. If utilised effectively, social media can grow your business larger than you may have ever expected! Social media and increased brand awareness is especially important for startups, in order to get your name out there and start making some money. We’ve put together the following guide on how startups can best leverage the power of social media. Read on!

  1. Create a solid social media strategy

Before you create any social media accounts or start posting, it’s important to think about your business goals and objectives. What are you trying to achieve? How do you want to come across to your audience? Will your brand go for a practical, no-nonsense approach to social messaging, or do you prefer a more easygoing presence? Work with managers and designers, as well as potential customers, to create a social media presence that truly reflects your brand’s message.

  1. Choose the right social networks

There is a plethora of social media platforms out there. Some of them won’t apply to you, so it’s important to figure out which mediums you are going to focus on, and which you’re going to leave out. For example, a videography company would focus heavily on video platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo and even Instagram and Facebook. However, a publishing business may choose to focus on text-oriented platforms, such as WordPress, Tumblr and Facebook.

  1. Utilise social media as customer service

A great way to combine services and reduce business costs is to conduct customer service via your social media channels. In the early days of your business, having an open line of communication with your clients is crucial. Your ability to respond and incorporate their comments and suggestions into your services and products can make or break your startup’s budding reputation. Represent your organisation effectively on social media by asking for feedback and responding promptly, showing customers you care.


  1. Mix digital marketing with traditional techniques

It’s widely renowned that social media is best utilised when used in conjunction with traditional marketing techniques. Do this by conducting giveaways and competitions on your various social media platforms. Social media, coupled with choosing the right promotional product to circulate, will result in further engagement, wider awareness and more potential business!

  1. Build an online community

Building a solid online community and hiring brand ambassadors is a great way to leverage the power of social media for your new business. Show your social media audience the people behind the product or service you offer; why you love what you do, and what served as an inspiration for your startup. This will connect existing and potential customers to the very core of your organisation, invoking trust and loyalty.

  1. Review and improve

As with any business endeavour, it is vital that you constantly evaluate and improve your social media activity. Look at when the best times to post are, what hours get the most activity, and what posts have been performing well. Focus more on these types of posts and eliminate the types of activity that has been performing poorly.

  1. Don’t be afraid to experiment

While it helps to be aware of traditional strategies that work classically, it’s also a good idea for you to think outside of the box. After all, the essence of the startup spirit is to problem-solve in an innovative and efficient way! If something works well for you, explore it! Whilst it’s important to be aware of the rules, don’t be afraid to bend (or sometimes even break) them!

Creating a startup business can be one of the most satisfying and rewarding ventures you may undertake. You can have the creative freedom to run the business the way you want, using innovative and modern ideas. However, it’s important to remember that a startup is still a business, which is most successful when governed by efficient processes. Social media is no different. Take heed of this mix of traditional and modern ways that you can leverage the magic that is social media.

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