The Easy and Inexpensive Way to Build Links for Your Online Home Business

Starting a business online from home is no easy task. It might all sound like napping and Netflix — with the occasional “tap, tap, tap” on the laptop in between, but as a matter of fact it’s WAY more than that.

For starters, you need a good idea in order to start a home business online — and an idea that will maintain sales and interest at that. On top of a good idea you need the knowledge and know-how to get it up and running — such as business plans, marketing campaigns and more.

Of course, the key to a successful online business is, without doubt, link building. Link building is one of the only efficient and successful ways of helping your business to grow by increasing the number of clients and customers that interact with your online content.

Today, we’re going to be sharing with you some easy and inexpensive ways of link building for your online home business.

Man Working on SEO
Matthew Henry / Burst

Utilise Your SEO Technique

In order to up your online hits, you must utilise your Search Engine Optimisation technique. Only then will you notice a difference when you check progress on your Link Tracker Pro software!

The basic goal of link building and search engine optimisation is to increase the amount of online traffic visiting your website — and this is often achieved by having your page rank higher on popular search engines.

Now, if you’re a little rusty or unsure about SEO, the main thing to remember is to focus on a select few keywords. Say you were advertising a business that sold cars quickly — the ideal keywords to focus on would be “sell car quickly”, “sell car fast” or something to that effect. The key is to go for simplicity.

Using these keyword phrases throughout your content will help your page to rank higher — and be visited by the right people. The idea is that, eventually, when consumers do type “sell car fast” (to use our previous example) your company page would be one of the initial links to show up on the search engine. Realistically, potential customers will only browse the first, maybe the second page of results that come up from a search. The higher up you can rank, the more likely the flow of online traffic coming onto your website will increase. It’s that simple.

Partner Up with Influencers

Yep, you heard us right. You might scoff at Instagram influencers and all that they stand for, but they’re actually some of the most successful and efficient online link builders that there are in 2020. They literally earn their living by being known and sharing their content — so if they can help you, why not?

It entirely depends on what sort of online business you’re running, but an example we’re going to use for the sake of influencers is skin products. Many companies will send products to well-known influencers for free, for the promise that in return, they’ll use their platform to advertise and use their merchandise in the public eye.

So if it was skin products, then the said influencer would be likely to use it in a “skin tutorial” or “before and after” of sorts, in order to show how well it works. They have a following, and therefore more and more people are likely to get on board and visit your website, and order your products. It doesn’t have to cost you anything but a couple of freebies either. What’s not to love?

Produce Premium Content

Last of all, but by no means least, always be sure that you’re regularly producing top-quality premium content on your site. Otherwise, you run the risk of your online business falling by the wayside.

It’s takes hard work and a lot of upkeep, as well as understanding your audience and what matters to them, but it’s a free way of helping your business to build online links.

Premium content can include, but isn’t limited to things like: in-depth blogs, podcasts, e-books, vlogs, guest posts and so much more. There is a wealth of information available online, specifically about how to produce this premium content, so we’d recommend you check it out!

It might take a little longer to produce this content than your standard blog, but it’s far more likely to build links than it would be otherwise. Put in the extra time, and you’ll get the extra rewards.

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