The Best SEO Tools You Need to Rank

Bearded developer using laptop, on blue with website search bar

By now almost everyone has heard of SEO (search engine optimization) and how important it is for small businesses and large corporations alike. Now that we know what SEO is the questions are then, how do you improve your rankings and what can help you improve them?

The answer to both questions is SEO tools. SEO tools are tools (figuratively speaking) that aid with search engine optimization, so that a website can increase on Google’s (or any other search engines) SERP (search engine results page).

Whether you are a small or large business looking for the different SEO tools to make search engine optimization easier, below are six SEO tools to use and decipher which one is best for you.

1. Google Search Console

Google search console is a free service provided by Google that checks your indexing status and optimizes visibility to your website. What makes this such a great tool is that it comes directly from Google and one of the main points of SEO is to rank on Google’s SERP. With Google’s constant update of its recommendations, it would be wise to utilize the service.

2. Seed Keywords

Seed Keywords is a new tool that acts as a precursor which provides keyword ideas when you are trying to determine what search terms that a business should optimize for.

3. Ahrefs: SEO Keyword Tool

Ahrefs: SEO Keyword Tools offers multiple ways for your business to grow your search traffic, research your completion (to see what is working for them), and monitor your industry based on specific keywords.

4. Answer The Public

Answer The Public is an automated autocomplete tool that tries to identify topics for content (think a reverse Google search) that uses different variations of your keywords. What makes this tool so unique is that the results are shown separated by the different variations, in a web-like design, used to create them. By doing this reverse content search you are able to create content that fills in the gap of what is missing when the searches are done

5. Woorank’s SEO & Website Analysis Tool

Similar to Ahrefs, Woorank is a keyword tool. In addition to being a keyword tool, Woorank does Site Crawl Analysis to check every page of your site, SEO monitoring, and they even also offer Sales Tools. Sales Tools allows a user to review an unlimited number of websites to collect data on a website’s search engine optimization, mobile friendliness, etc. in order to use the information so that the user can “pitch their services to potential clients”.

6. Google Analytics

Although Google Analytics isn’t really an SEO tool, it is a necessary application. The data provided by Google Analytics is how you check to see if the SEO tactics are making an impact or not. The data consists of new or return visitors, traffic sources, your website’s bounce rate, the number of time individuals spend on your site, etc. If your numbers are not where you would want them to be, it is best to revisit your SEO strategies.

In business, the saying is “Do what you can do best and outsource the rest”, so with that being said SERP champion can help you with all your SEO needs. By outsourcing, you are guaranteeing that your website stays up-to-date with Google’s ever-changing guidelines and ensuring that your business is getting the organic traffic necessary for its growth.

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