The Best SEO Tools for Home Businesses on a Budget


As a small business, outranking competitors on search engines like Google is a top exposure priority for many. It’s not an easy feat. But before starting your SEO journey towards that first-page rank, you need to be equipped with the best tools possible. There’s only one problem – it costs to be the boss. Most SEO tools needed for that higher rank cost solid coin and let’s face it – this isn’t ideal when every cent is accounted for. This goes double for small business owners as the budget doesn’t always call for it. We’re here to put your mind at ease by saying you can still exercise control over search rankings. Monitoring your SEO progress, optimising your page accordingly and spying on competitor tactics is more than doable on a budget. Here are the creme-de-la-crème of SEO tools to nudge that first step on the ladder towards high SERP rankings. All without spending a solid cent.

Monitoring SEO progress

So, you have done thorough research on premium WordPress themes, picked a good one and have created a killer website, with SEO factors sprinkled on top. But how do you know your research paid off? Are your campaigns working? The following tools will solve this by monitoring SEO and campaign progress.

1. Indago Digital UTM link builder: Know your incoming traffic

As a new business, there’s no question you’ll undergo a phase of aggressive digital marketing efforts for your website. This can range from promoting blog posts, products or new marketing surveys – containing links to your site. Utilising a UTM (Urchin Traffic Monitor) code is a handy way of managing such campaigns. It’s a unique code added at the end of that URL to help track the campaign’s performance by adding in variables like the campaign source, medium at the end. By then analysing the inbound UTM links, you can understand the who, what, when and why of those click-throughs. While Google has its own version of a UTM link generator, the Indago Digital UTM builder optimises the experience by limiting the complexity of information thrown your way.

Source: Indago Digital

2. Moz Open Site Explorer: Know your backlink profile

While the ‘Moz Pro’ tool is a worthy paid mention, their Open Site Explorer definitely makes this free list. If you know why backlinks matter and are well under-way a link-building phase, you’ll want to keep a tab on how many links you’re getting. As well as providing you with a backlink profile, it’s handy in identifying other SEO metrics (domain authority, page authority and the likes) on a specified page. Keep in mind: this analysis can work for any URL you choose to enter (wink, wink, competitors). If you are looking for more options, check this in-depth comparison of the best backlink tool by Digital Olympus.

3. Google Search Console: Know your Google

Nobody will know more about your site than Google – period. Maybe except for you. But still, Google knows plenty. As a small business practicing SEO tactics, knowing how Google perceives your site should be a priority marketing consideration. Google’s Search Console can help you there. This tool can help you identify any errors and provide an all-you-need SEO overview of your website. If you’re keeping on top of notifications such as manual penalties, then you’re on your way of staying in Google’s good graces.

Optimising your page

Scaling higher on Google involves checking off a long checklist of ranking factors. If optimised properly, on-page factors are big ticks on that list. These tools will help you along with these optimisation requirements.

1. SEO Chat’s Meta-tag Generator: Optimise your meta-data

Likely to be the first thing viewed by viewers, meta-descriptions and meta-titles will represent your page on a Google SERP. However, these data-sets can be optimised a certain way by adhering to word limits and recommended structures. SEO Chat’s meta tag generator will produce a preview of meta-data as you enter it. This generator also features fields for keywords, subject and more which only aid its purpose.

Source: SEO Chat

2. Neilpatel’s SEO Analyser: Optimise your on-page score

Gaining search traffic ain’t no easy thang, and the last thing you want is an SEO error sucker-punching your beautiful, new website. There are many on-page analysers out there, however few conduct the service for free and report user-friendly results with a score. Neilpatel’s SEO Analyser not only reports site errors and warnings, but also shows the things you’re doing right.

3. Google PageSpeed Insights: Optimise your page speed

Nothing like good ol’ Google tools. Understanding factors slowing your site’s page speed is critical for the small business owners looking to impress with their website. After all, who wants to take potential customers through the bottomless pit of loading hell? Google PageSpeed Insights tests factors like loading time and desktop performance while indicating potential improvements (sort of like some digital thumbs up).

4. Yoast SEO: Optimise as you create your site

When building a website, keyword considerations are crucial in making the final product rank well. Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that will help even the newest of SEOers build a well-structured website. The plugin will take care of your WordPress SEO, content creation process and altogether ensure that your website is in top-notch shape. A feature well-liked by small business-owners aiming to flex their SEO muscles for the first time – the plug-in guides the user through the SEO steps to ensure that each page is optimised.

Spying on your competition

A lot of small businesses are keen to get right into optimising their rankings, without even glancing at their competition’s SEO strategies. Conducting a competitor SEO analysis is lengthy but ultimately, necessary. These tools should make your analysis that much easier.

1. SEMrush: Analyse your competitors

SEMrush is a popular choice for showing organic, paid search rankings and more for any site. It’s a bundle of functions in one – making it a great holistic, SEO solution. Keep in mind that the free version (2-week trial) will only allow top ten phrases. Nonetheless, it’s more than enough to get the job done.

Source: SEMrush 

2. Google Alerts: Stay up-to-date with competitors

Google Alerts is simply a notification system which will let you know anytime a brand is mentioned online, as a backlink or a simple mention. This brand can be a competitor or even yours. You can additionally monitor keywords and receive reports directly to your inbox – handy for those entrepreneurs always on the move.

3. Screaming Frog: SEO Spider: Get in-depth about competitors

Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider comes with a range of features such as analysing broken links, analysing meta-data and identifying errors. Resultantly, you can understand where your competition’s headspace is at in terms of SEO strategy. While the free version is uncapped by time, it has a 500 URL limit and limited by data exporting. Regardless, it’s an essential for competitor spying and for those wanting to get thorough about competitor strategy.

While the past few years have seen a decline in the amount of completely free digital marketing tools, there are still many at your disposal. Despite a mix of free-use and those offering trials, all of these tools are capable of powering your SEO journey while relaxing your grip on your wallet.

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