3 Important Questions to Ask Your Future SEO Company

One of the most important things you can do for your company is to improve its search engine optimization. The benefits of SEO are endless: it’s a long term investment that will continually help bring in leads long after the job is done; SEO can drastically impact almost any business. With that being said, it is a long term investment for any business and you must make sure you hire the right company to do the job.

To achieve the best SEO possible, it’s best to bring in a third party that can help you evaluate your goals and create a tailored plan based on your product or service. Mimvi SEO Services, for example, offers a free site audit and one on one consulting as well as expertise in certain industries such Law and E-Commerce. Other SEO firms have their own repertoires, and it’s up to you to decide what’s the best fit. To do so, here are three important questions you should ask when choosing your SEO company:

Copyright: ismagilov / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: ismagilov / 123RF Stock Photo

Question #1: Have you narrowed down exactly what you need?

SEO services offer several services: reputation management, link removal, link building, retargeting, PPC management, content marketing, and much more. If you’re unsure, consider what it is you’re looking for. Decide on a specific goal and tailor your SEO around it. Your goal might be to grow sales by 20% over the next year or to increase leads by 40% over the next six months.

SEO companies have different strategies for when working with companies, such as working on SEO for raw traffic, SEO for ecommerce sales, SEO for branding, and SEO for lead acquisition. Which of these works for you? Having a goal will help you measure the success of the SEO firm you choose. Center your communication around that primary goal to optimize the chances of success. The company you speak with should listen to your concerns and be able to help point you in the right direction.

11420530 - a speedometer with needle racing past the necessary elements in a web traffic growth strategy, from content to links to s.e.o. to increased onilne readership
Copyright: iqoncept / 123RF Stock Photo

Question #2: Do you have case studies and references?

As with any job you hire someone to do, you want proof that they are the best possible option to get the job done right. Seeing case studies and references act as more of an insurance policy and gives you peace of mind. Ask for references, and check them. Not only can you check their work online and see how the company improved its SEO for yourself, but you can also speak directly to the company about what it was like working with them. Here are a few questions to ask references:

  • Were your goals met during the process?
  • Did the SEO firm complete the job in a timely manner/according to schedule?
  • Did the SEO firm communicate progress and answer questions in a timely manner?
  • Were there any issues during the process?
  • Were you completely satisfied with the work done?
Copyright: goodluz / 123RF Stock Photo
Copyright: goodluz / 123RF Stock Photo

Question #3: Have you spoken to multiple SEO firms?

Choose a few SEO firms based on your research. Your research should go beyond a Google search and the company website; if possible, check out a few Linkedin profiles to give you a more personal feel for the people behind the company and their experience working with SEO and other companies. Try to find firms who have worked with companies similar to yours. For example, if you’re a signage company, research firms who have worked with other signage companies and seen successful results. After you’ve done your research and narrowed down your options to a handful of favorites, meet the firm in person or talk over the phone. Most SEO firms will offer a free consultation, so take advantage of this by speaking with a few.

While talking to firms, ask them about past experience. Although this information is detailed on their website and you’ve already checked out case studies and references, a person wouldn’t be hired for a major position without speaking to them candidly about their experience and work ethic. Remember, this is the interview process; choosing a company to achieve your company’s most important goals is a huge deal.

Within a few days of shopping around, they’ll send you a proposal detailing what your site needs, how they plan to fix it, and what the pricing is. Read up on what makes a great proposal and compare a few. Keep in mind the interaction you had with the company and the timeliness with which they responded to inquiries. How they treat you in the early stages is a good indicator of a future healthy working relationship.

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