Boost the Ads for Your Home-Run Online Business

The Bureau of Labor Statistics tells us that, in 2015, around a quarter of the U.S. workforce did some or all of their work from the comfort of their own home since digital workspaces brings more buck than working in a physical office do.

And the number and diversity of full-time at-home jobs is continually rising year by year. Not all who work at home are self-employed (many are “remote workers”), but a good chunk of the internet-based workforce is made up of entrepreneurs who have as much need as “regular” companies to advertise online.

Here are a few ideas on how you can boost the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns for your at-home, online business:

1. Focus on existing customers first

It may sound backwards to some, but if you have an existing customer base, begin by focusing on them. The fact is that those who have already purchased a product or service from you in the past are much more likely to do so again. You should always gather the email addresses of your customers when they make an online purchase so you can target them for special offers and relevant ads down the road. Treat your current customers right, and they will return again and again, plus be a source of valuable referrals to fuel future growth.

2. Take social media presence seriously

Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and a host of other popular social media sites are fertile ground for effective advertising. But you have to be in the game to win it. And it will certainly take some time and effort to maintain a serious social media presence and to respond to those who leave comments or who ask questions.

Often, it can be hard to get off to a running start with social media efforts, so you might want to consider using a group like Social Media Daily to jumpstart your posts and videos with likes and attention, hoping to create a snowball effect.

Getting started may require a bit of help, but once you get well known within your target market at specific sites, it can be relatively easy to maintain that presence and keep generating leads.

3. Invest in shopping cart abandonment software

Most banner ads get less than one click out of over 1,500 views. That’s not to say you shouldn’t run some and “play the numbers,” but your own site’s shopping carts are a much more lucrative target.

In fact, the majority of carts on most sites are abandoned. And if you could reduce your cart abandonment rate by only 10%, you would likely see a jump in sales revenue as high as 20%.

By retargeting those who have abandoned their carts, gathering stats to understand why those carts are abandoned, and then A/B testing and fixing any “bugs in your checkout line,” you can do your business far more good than by just running another banner ad.

4. Create a blog that your clients find valuable

Again, you are probably already creating ads and landing pages that funnel back to your business’ website. But are you building a blog?

Whatever your home-run business is all about, people who trust your company as a source of information on topics related to what you do, are much more likely to trust you enough to buy your products/services.

Incorporate SEO into your blog articles, but be sure they are offering information that is targeted, interesting, and helpful. Then build in some key links with the right keyword phrases and, perhaps, finish with a direct call to action if you think it’s appropriate to the content.

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