Benefits of Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads and How to Set Them Up

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Depositphotos 89825398 m 2015

There is no doubt that remarketing strategies give you the perfect opportunity to target those potential leads that you didn’t quite convert the first time around but were interested in your businesses. Remarketing can deliver a high return on investment and Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads is one of the essential tools you should be using in your marketing strategy.

If you’ve yet to get to grips with how to use this Google function, we’ve got everything you need to get started and begin benefiting from the powerful tool.

What Are Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads?

Firstly, to understand why you should be using Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads, you need to understand what the tool does.

If you already use Google Ads to generate traffic to your website, you’ll know that while it delivers results, it can also be a challenge to get people to convert. However, consumers have clicked on your ad in the first place, signalling that they’re interested in your product, service, or brand. Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads give you another opportunity to reach out to those potential customers that showed an initial interest.

The remarketing tool allows you to show your ads to internet users that have already visited your website or used your mobile app, encouraging them to return and make a purchase. It then tailors the ads to match their interests. For example, if a consumer has checked out a jacket on your fashion e-commerce store, it’ll show this and related items to them. By using data on past visits to your site, Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads can deliver higher returns on investment.

Deploying the remarketing tool and making it a core part of your overall marketing strategy, creates both lead and sales opportunities.

There are numerous advantages to using Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads that could give your business a boost towards its overall goals. Here, we’ve identified five key benefits that demonstrate why it’s an area that you should be investing in.

1. Target consumers that have abandoned shopping carts

Shopping cart abandonment is a common challenge e-retail businesses face. In fact, research shows that over three-quarters of shopping carts across a range of business sectors are left without a purchase being completed.

While addressing the underlying issues of why customers are checking out the items that have caught their eye, it’s important to recognise that some consumers are simply browsing. For those individuals, remarketing is an excellent way to capture their interest again. If you have a special offer or deal available that you can showcase through your remarketing ads, you’ll be in an even better position to convert those leads.

2. Personalise your marketing approach

Personalisation has been one of the biggest trends in marketing over the last couple of years. As we’ve already stated, Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads use information on a consumer’s previous visit to create adverts that appeal to them. With a targeted ad, you’re more likely to entice potential customers to come back to your store and make a purchase.

It builds on other personalisation tactics that you’re likely to already be using, for example addressing visitors by name in emails or creating targeted offers. Research by Accenture found that eight in ten consumers want brands to get to know them; personalisation is part of meeting this changing mindset.

3. Capture returning customers

The digital age has made it easier than ever before for businesses to reach a wide audience, but it’s also brought an increased number of competitors. With so many rival brands, it can be difficult to stay in the mind of the customer, even after they’ve browsed your site.

The Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads tool gives you the ideal way to remind leads exactly what they were interested in last time they visited you. It helps increase the amount of traffic you receive from returning consumers and gives you another opportunity to guide them through the sales funnel.

4. Stay relevant

You might have captured the interest of consumers the first time they spotted your brand but how do you stay relevant? Remarketing enables you to stay in their mind and show off your products. Through using smart algorithms, Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads will show products and related items each lead has already shown an interest in, combined with real time prices that could be enough to get them to convert.

As a result, Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads can play a vital role in your brand awareness and customer loyalty strategies, helping to create stable sales growth.

5. Delivers a return on investment

For any marketing activity, whether sending out emails or social media blasts, the return on investment it offers is an essential metric. For businesses, Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads can deliver higher than average returns. Plus, the data it puts at your fingertips makes it simple for assessing how much you’re getting for your budget, making marketing investment decisions easier.

As you’ll pay per click, you always receive a prospective customer in return for each outgoing and you’re in complete control of the budget. When compared to regular ads, a study by Blue Mint Marketing found that conversions from remarketing cost 56% less – delivering more for every penny that you put in.

How to Set Up Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads

If you’ve already got a Google AdWords account, it’s simple to set up a Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads campaign that matches your goals.

You can only use dynamic remarketing capabilities with Display Network campaigns, which allows you to create ads in different formats and get the right balance between text and images to suit your brand. Campaigns using the Display Network strategically show potential customers your ad as they’re browsing websites, watching a YouTube video, checking their Gmail account, and more. It puts your ad in front of customers while they’re going about other online activities to entice them to click through.

Google display campaigns reach around 80% of global interest users and research indicates that consumers exposed to display ads are, on average, 155% more likely to search for brand and segment specific terms. The Display Network gives businesses an invaluable opportunity to develop an audience base that’s engaged, and remarketing builds on this.

So, to get started with your new Google Dynamic Remarketing campaign, you need to first create a Display Network campaign. You can do this from your AdWords account, by creating a new campaign, selecting Display Network, sales, and then standard display campaign. From here you’re able to create your campaign, including setting your budget.

Once the campaign is in place, you can select the remarketing options. All you need to do is in the Audiences section, select remarketing and choose a remarketing list. You can choose the AdWords optimised list that includes both app and web users or do so manually, and press done once an audience has been selected.

You can then proceed with setting up your campaign as you normally would, selecting use a data feed for personalised ads, choosing a business type that represents your services, and then launching.

Your campaign will then be broadcast to both new potential customers and those that have already shown an interest on your website – allowing you to increase your conversion rates and capture information to engage in further marketing activities.

Making Remarketing Part of a Wider Strategy

Remarketing and using a tool like Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads can deliver a significant return on investment but it needs to fit in with a wider marketing and sales strategy, otherwise, it will only have a limited impact.

If, for example, you’re experiencing unusually high cart abandonment rates, remarketing won’t necessarily mean that more people check out and make a purchase. If you force customers to sign-up or have a complicated process, they’ll still leave if they feel it’s not worth their time, even if you remarket your products to them.

Combined with a sales funnel that’s assessed and updated to reflect consumer demands, remarketing can be highly effective but without it, it can be an initial cost that doesn’t meet expectations. As a result, businesses need to view remarketing as a core function to their operations, not a tool that will solve other existing issues that lead to consumers leaving the website or app before they buy anything.

However, businesses that get the balance right, stand to benefit from introducing Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads into their overall strategy even as competition grows and consumer demands shift. With the right remarketing strategy, it’s possible for online businesses to see their sales and enquiries soar thanks to reaching out to customers that may have otherwise forgotten about the brand and selected a rival. With complete control over campaigns and its extensive global reach, the Google marketing suite, including the remarketing tool, is essential for businesses that want to make their mark in the internet age.

How will you use your Google Dynamic Remarketing Ads to generate greater traffic and sales?

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