Dylan Sigley on How to Run a Successful Business Online in 2020

Business Owner
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Regardless of where you live or what you do for work, there’s a rather good chance that 2020 hasn’t turned out exactly how you had hoped and imagined. With corporations folding and unemployment rates on the rise, this year may not initially seem like the best time to take the leap and launch an online business—but entrepreneur and Drop Servicing Blueprint founder Dylan Sigley recognizes recent setbacks for what they are: a valuable opportunity to grow and succeed.

Here is the bottom line: hardship breeds innovation. For many, this year’s setbacks may prove the perfect opportunity to finally launch a profitable online business. If you are a money-minded individual who is ready to leave the 9-5 grind and live life on your own terms, Dylan Sigley’s Drop Servicing Blueprint course has the tips and tricks you need to get started and achieve success. For those who are ready to make the leap into online entrepreneurship, he has compiled these key tips for launching and running a profitable online business in 2020.

Find Your Niche

All too often, novice entrepreneurs make the mistake of developing their product or service first and then setting out to identifying its place in the market. If you’re wanting to develop an online business that succeeds you must pinpoint your niche. Then, develop your product and marketing strategy based on your target audience’s needs. In other words, before you do anything else, you need to identify the specific need that your business is going to address.

According to Dylan Sigley, there is no right or wrong way to conduct your market research—above all, however, you must be thorough. Browse forums, conduct extensive keyword research, and check out potential competitors. The better you understand the market and your target consumer’s needs, the more business your company will be able to attract.

Write Copy That Sells

Once you’ve established your niche and developed a product or service that is going to be competitive in meeting them, it’s time to turn your attention to your company’s marketing efforts. According to Dylan Sigley, this is where excellent copy comes in—you need to write copy that increases brand awareness, builds trust, and ultimately wins sales.

Unfortunately, when it comes to effective copy there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. If you want your online business to succeed, you’ll need to spend considerable time tailoring your copy to fit your niche, product, and target audience. In many cases, you may even want to enlist the help of a professional. Despite its complex nature, the basic idea surrounding effective copy is quite simple: find an angle that works for your product and write to sell.

Construct a User-Friendly Website

These days, having and maintaining a strong online presence is a foundational aspect of any successful business; if you’re wanting to launch an online business in 2020, it is inarguably the most essential element. “Your website is your company’s means to enter the marketplace and secure sales,” says Dylan Sigley. “You need it to catch your consumer’s eyes, establish credibility, and seamlessly drive sales.”

Above all, your company’s website must have a user-friendly interface and highly professional appearance. Remember: keep it simple and clean. Refrain from scripted fonts, large text boxes, and unfocused color schemes. Consumer behavior studies show that your company will have, on average, fewer than five seconds to grab viewers’ attention before they click away. So make your site’s navigation and appearance as striking as it is simplistic.

Use SEO to Maximize Visibility

It does not matter how user-friendly or visually appealing your company’s webpage is—if you’re not able to successfully drive traffic to it, you’re not going to make any sales. Search engine optimization (often known by the abbreviation SEO) is the practice of effectively utilizing targeted keywords to boost your website’s visibility.

The basic principles behind SEO are somewhat straightforward: research and identify target keywords which can be incorporated into your website copy to increase its search engine ranking. To expedite results and quickly gain data on which keywords are working and which are not, Dylan Sigley recommends investing in pay-per-click advertising. Often, this is the easiest and quickest way to get traffic to a fledgling website that might otherwise struggle to compete with more well-seasoned webpages.

Build Your Brand

As your company continues to grow, Dylan Sigley highlights the importance of establishing your brand’s reputation and reach. Again, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach for achieving this. Most companies use a balanced combination of content marketing, social media outreach, email marketing, and networking. Facebook groups, Reddit forums, instructional e-books, online courses, and guest blog posts are other valuable opportunities.

Regardless of which route you take with your online business, you must remember that all effective brand strategies focus primarily on the target customer’s needs and desires. Rather than continually delivering sales pitches, center your efforts on providing immediate value. Outside of attracting clicks and attention, offering up free resources and information will also build your brand’s reputation, inspiring loyalty and confidence between your company and potential consumers.

Scale Your Profit with Back-End Sales

As detailed by Dylan Sigley in his Drop Servicing Blueprint course, one of the most essential internet marketing strategies is to maximize your profit by creating lifetime customers. When a consumer has a need they want met, they are far more likely to seek out a company they have already done business with. If your company implements a marketing strategy that effectively follows up with past purchasers, you will likely find that as much as 35% end up making an additional purchase.

After you have secured that first sale, it is time to use back-end selling and upselling tactics to make them a repeat customer. With time, this tactic could double or even triple your overall sales. Electronic coupons, targeted ads, “Thank You” emails, and special offers are just a few of the tactics that may prove effective in turning new buyers into long-time loyal customers.

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