How to Boost Your Ecommerce Conversion Rates: 5 Simple Tips

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If your Ecommerce site is getting plenty of visits but you’re struggling to convert them into sales, then rest assured you’re not alone. As the modern consumer becomes savvier and is bombarded by choices, it becomes increasingly difficult to win their business.

However, by following these five simple tips, you can get your Ecommerce site firing on all cylinders and, most importantly, delivering sales.

1. Make a good first impression

First impressions are vital in Ecommerce. One of the most obvious reasons for failing to convert visitors into sales is that your website isn’t immediately appealing to them.

The design of your site generally, beyond simply the first impression, is vital to converting sales. So do everything possible to guarantee that product images are clear and appealing, look to include product videos, create engaging content and ensure your site is easy to navigate.

2. Use an Ecommerce platform that works for you

Another major reason for failing to convert visitors into sales is that your website or store isn’t up to the task. An effective Ecommerce platform will help you showcase your products and services and enable you to better process online payments. But, with so many products on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your business. Check out CardSwitcher’s definitive guide to Ecommerce platforms to inform your decision, for instance.

3. Optimise your website for mobile

Mobile is increasingly widely used by consumers, especially among millennials. So if your website isn’t optimised for mobile use or doesn’t look appealing on mobile devices, you’re guaranteed to be missing out on business.

At the very least, it’s important to ensure your website and store are optimised for mobile use. This means using responsive design, which ensures the site will fill the screen and present information clearly on every screen. You should also consider implementing a cross-device marketing strategy, which delivers consistent website experiences, consistent messaging and targeted advertising to consumers on all devices.

4. Think fast

Slow-loading websites cost retailers £1.73 billion in lost sales every year, according to research from QuBit. A slow-loading website also has a negative impact on your SEO, with Google demoting slow—more than 1.5 seconds of loading time—sites in its search rankings.

It’s therefore vital to ensure that your website loads quickly and doesn’t delay when users make the decision to buy a product.

5. Guide your visitors

You could have outstanding content and design on your website but without clear call-to-actions that signpost visitors towards the product or service you want them to buy, you’ll never convert them into sales. It’s important to not only nail the design and colour of call-to-action buttons but also get the wording right to make it as easy as possible for them to take the next step and complete their purchase.

However, once you’ve succeeded in helping visitors make that next step, it’s also important to simplify completing their purchase. That means making your checkout page and process as clear and straightforward as possible.

Start converting visitors to sales

Visits to your website not converting into purchases could be for many wide-ranging reasons. Further tactics like SEO, analytics, enhancing your social presence and gaining a deeper understanding of your customers and their requirements will help. But these five tips will help you make a great first impression and enhance visitors’ perception of your brand.

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