Boosting Revenue Results by Capturing the Transaction Moment

Transaction Moment with Customer

What is the transaction moment? It’s that sweet spot when the customer becomes fully committed to an online purchase, and when he or she is likely to buy more, being receptive to obtaining additional value in the same experience. It’s a fiery catalyst that can easily turn a one-time customer visiting for the first time online to a repeat buyer sharing the same website option with others via referral and recommendation.

Doing More with Ecommerce Than Just One Sale

Rokt has been a primary conduit for multiple brands to realize the full capability of ecommerce technology and specifically take advantage of the transaction moment. Because the tool designer’s approach is specific to customer engagement, Rokt has become a leading edge player in pushing companies to their next level in online sales, customer retention, and overall revenue growth, including ancillary revenue streams. It’s a bit striking while the iron is hot. Utilizing well-designed ecommerce technology platforms combined with artificial intelligence and savvy customer attractions they want to see, Rokt helps companies realize multiple interactions with a customer versus just a primary sale. That in turn boosts revenue exponentially versus just maintaining a baseline or doubling alone.

Up-Scaling Premium Travel Sales

Online travel isn’t something one would think would also be a viable channel for additional secondary sales. However, Rokt has worked repeatedly with high-end travel vendors, producing additional revenue gains repeatedly because its ecommerce technology appeals to customers already tuned in to buy. This particular attraction is generated at the transaction moment, when the customer is receptive to buying, having already engaged and committed to an original sale that was generated from the primary interest. The results speak for themselves; Rokt’s eCommerce design regularly produces an additional 8 to 11 percent additional revenue with up-selling, secondary sales, and ancillary revenue combined with a primary ecommerce transaction channel. For participating businesses the results are common sense; Rokt produces more revenue per transaction, a game changer in revenue expectations.

Expanding the Sales Results Without New Costs

In another example, Rokt focused on how to create more convincing sales generation even when confined in a situation where the cost per customer acquisition could not be allowed to increase. To solve this particular challenge, Rokt focused again on those customers already interested in buying, looking to generate additional sales capability in the same experience. Rokt actually targeted customers predetermined to use higher premium sites, and pushed the client’s advertising in the buying moment. The result was predictable; people saw value combined with value and jumped on it. Without increasing costs per customer when convincing new sales to happen, Rokt’s ecommerce technology advertising approach generated additional sales from the same customers instead.

Sticky Theory: Make It Work by Making It Easy

Steve Jobs made Apple a success by sticking to one particular premise; a product needs to be intuitive and easy to use to achieve great value. Rokt follows the same strategy with ecommerce technology design. Again and again, the company produces ecommerce solutions that are easy to implement, powerful in results, and easily sustainable with practically no cost increase per customer engagement. It’s a Shangri-La opportunity for businesses looking to game-change their eCommerce approach.

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