10 Habits of Highly Effective Consultants

Consultant and Client
Photo by The Coach Space from Pexels

The role of a consultant is ever-changing. With the onset of a pandemic, digital transformation and the future of work came upon us earlier than we expected. Client expectations have also changed. Digitization calls for a digitally fluent perspective in consulting. Consultants are going to have to navigate this uncertainty and deliver prompt, intuitive, and quality insights.

Overnight shifts in the consulting industry call for sound consultants who can point the way forward. To stay competitive, consultants must commit to transforming themselves into more digitally fluent people. Traits are both inherent and cultivated. Here are the top 10 traits of highly effective consultants:

1. They get on the balcony

Some of the most effective consultants get on the balcony and take a big picture view of things. It springs from a healthy obsession with a better way to do things. That way, they don’t lose sight of the core values and mission or get caught up in the field of action. It enables them to keep a healthy balance between foresight, performance, and vision.

2. They have a flair for learning, unlearning, and relearning

In a fast-paced digital world, good consultants cannot have ‘I don’t want to learn that” in their vocabulary. They are open to learning and unlearning and relearning. Ask any consultant whether they are the same as they were when they first started out their career. They are most likely to tell you that their perspectives, opinions, and understanding have evolved several times over different contexts and scenarios.

3. They forge trustworthy relationships

Networking is key to any profession and even more so, for consultants. Not merely to land a gig at a coveted organization, networking is more fundamental to the way in which we need to work. The future of work is already here. Good consultants have the right people to vouch for the work they do in a market that is cluttered. Effective consultants know that there are always going to be people smarter than them in the room. But other consultants, influencers, thought leaders, and innovators they may have worked with can add the crucial element of trust.

4. They are socio-culturally intelligent and adaptive

Both the IQ and EQ are crucial to competence and building relationships. Socio-cultural intelligence is another ingredient that can significantly add value to the consultant’s armory. What is acceptable in a Japanese boardroom may be offensive in an English boardroom. Effective consultants are aware of context-specific facts and make room for diversity, inclusion, and equity in whiteboarding, decision-making, and execution.

5. They are digitally fluent

Digital transformation is not merely about innovation. It is more essentially about digital fluency at both the personal and collective levels of any organization. While Gen X consultants may already be technologically proficient, legacy consultants may need to be open to mutual mentorship programs, and digital upskilling.

6. They command priorities and focus

Exceptional consultants stay focused in their interactions with colleagues, fellow consultants, and/or business associates. They stay focused on the optimal amount of things instead of becoming maintenance-focused. This gives them the ability to order clarity in scenarios, crises, and different contexts.

7. They have a specific niche derived from their work and domain expertise

It’s easy to be the jack of all trades. But one of the primary reasons organizations trust consultants is because they have a set of particular skills they have acquired over a long career with niche expertise. Besides, in the age of access to information, the need for more nuanced domains is more urgent than ever.

8. They are great listeners and proficient communicators

Every leader in a position of great responsibility takes time to listen. You’ll be surprised just how many business problems can be solved by just listening to the environment, employees, stakeholders, etc. Besides helping build rapport and encouraging dialogue, trust, and collaboration, it can make consultants more effective communicators. It’s easier to convince people when you know how to speak their language.

9. They double-down on value

Going the extra mile earns loyalty. They may have decided to hire you after past failure. You can keep them coming back to you if you double down on value. For instance, you can show them how to solve the problem and similar other problems. Training programs or webinars may come in handy for their team and mid-level management.

10. They have loosely held opinions around a wide range of related subjects

Being a consultant means, people will look to you for answers on subjects they think you may be proficient in. To build a decent conversation and good faith, make sure you have loosely held opinions that people can work with when they come to you for direction.

To be clear, these traits may not work for every consultant and in every context. Business scenarios are dynamic and every consultant is an individual with unique traits. At the same time, these may be the qualities that stand out, drive your career, and win the loyalty of clients.

Go on and have a moment. Think of the consultants you’ve worked best with. Comment below about the traits that you appreciate about them most. If you’re looking for real-world insights, head over to cleverx.com. It’s simple, affordable, and efficient.

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