Using CBD to Relieve Zoom Meeting Anxiety

Person in Meeting
Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Zoom has been one of the biggest trends in 2021 and continues to grow in popularity as more people continue to work from home. It allows groups of people to meet virtually, host conferences and meetings, which has been essential last year. However, many of us have found that we get anxious about meetings and continue to worry about Zoom meetings as we would ordinary meetings.

Can CBD help relieve Zoom meeting anxiety? There is some evidence that supports CBD helping decrease anxious thoughts. Some of the early research suggests a significant impact on anxiety. It may be an alternative solution for you to look at.

If you are questioning using CBD, don’t be alarmed. Many people working from home with a full day of Zoom meetings to attend are also looking towards this option. CBD has become a trend among the health community, and many people love using it and report having good experiences. This guide will inform you of precisely what CBD is and what the research says.

What Is CBD and How Does It Help Anxiety?

CBD, also known as cannabinoid, is a compound found in marijuana and hemp plants. Unlike marijuana, it contains minimal THC. This is the compound that gives a user a euphoric or “high” feeling. Legally, CBD oil and products have to contain less than 0.3% THC to be sold. This amount is not enough to affect you.

What does the research state?

The National Institute On Drug Abuse claims that for general anxiety disorders, CBD may have a positive effect on users. They studied people who took CBD and found a range of therapeutic benefits. Some people experience lower signs of anxiety, including behavioral and physiological. However, this study also claims more research needs to be done to find out more.

Should You Use CBD Before Zoom Meetings?

The truth is that most CBD users need to take it for a few months to notice a difference in anxiety. This is like any other medication from the doctor or vitamin you will take. You may feel a difference if you use a CBD inhaler, but the effects will not last long.

The best way to use CBD is by taking it as a low dose daily for at least three months. You will notice improved mental health and lower signs of anxiety. If you require something quick, you can try to take an extra dose of CBD through an inhaler before your meeting, though there is no clinical proof it will help.

How to Use CBD Oil for Anxiety

The most remarkable thing about CBD is there are many forms. You can choose from gummies, inhalers, tinctures, and even edibles now. One of the best ways to take CBD oil for anxiety is by buying a low-dose product that has been tested and verified. For the first week, start with a low dose. If you are feeling okay, you can up the dose to double after a month. Slowly, month by month, increase your dose to the recommended dosage on the label.

After three months of taking CBD daily, you should notice a difference in your anxiety. However, you should always consult your doctor if something feels wrong. There have been some instances where people report the side effects of taking CBD. Never stop taking medications you are already on.

Possible Side Effects

There have been reports of CBD having a few side effects that are unpleasant and may make it uncomfortable for you to go about your day. These side effects include:

  • diarrhea
  • fatigue
  • changes in appetite
  • changes in weight

If you notice any of these side effects, you should stop taking CBD oil and talk to your doctor before continuing. These side effects may make it hard to concentrate on meetings, daily tasks, and work.

The best way to avoid these side effects is by ensuring your product has third-party lab testing and taking a low dose to start. Third-party lab testing means the CBD company sends their products to a lab to test the concentration of CBD and to ensure that no toxic pesticides have entered the oil. This is crucial for a good experience.

Is CBD Right for Zoom Meetings?

If you feel like you are becoming anxious about your upcoming Zoom meetings, this is a great natural solution. If you start taking it now, you may notice a difference in a few months. If you are looking for something faster in an emergency, trying a puff of a low-dose CBD inhaler may help you concentrate and feel calmer during a Zoom meeting.

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