Y-Brush – A 10 Second Electric Toothbrush That Is Revolutionizing the Way We Brush

Photo Credit: Y-Brush

In a new disruptive innovation, a company dedicated to improving oral hygiene has created a unique toothbrush that is set to revolutionize the way we brush. After five years of research and development in collaboration with dentists, Y-Brush has developed the world’s first electric toothbrush that uses 35,000 soft nylon bristles and a sonic vibration system to clean our teeth in just 10 seconds.

Incredible as it sounds, it is backed by a patented NylonMed V2 technology. Moreover, the effectiveness of the new generation electronic toothbrush has been proven by an independent clinical study. So, why was the Y-Brush electric toothbrush created, and what exactly is it? Before the answers to these questions, here are some interesting stats regarding oral hygiene.

Oral Hygiene

Even with our best brushing efforts in place, poor oral hygiene is known to cause major health risks. Many studies show that inadequate dental care can be linked various health issues. These include heart diseases, throat cancer, diabetes, lung diseases, and osteoarthritis.

Though supermarket shelves are stacked with oral hygiene products, the World Health Organization says 99% of adults will have at least one dental cavity in their lifetimes. Clearly, we are not doing enough.

According to figures from the Australian Dental Association, almost half of adults and a third of children do not brush their teeth twice a day. In addition, most of them brush for around 45 seconds, while the recommended time is two to three minutes.

Photo Credit: Y-Brush

Why the Y-Brush Was Created

Because of this information on oral hygiene, the company committed to the cause of good dental hygiene for years created the head brush in the shape of a Y to allow complete coverage of all the teeth within 10 seconds. “We wanted to create a product that radically transforms the chore of brushing your teeth into a much more effective routine that you will REALLY follow,” said Benjamin Cohen, President and co-founder of the technology.

The reduced time comes as a special boon for parents who wage a war with their children twice a day over toothbrushing. However, more importantly, by decreasing the time and by simplifying the technical movement, “Y-Brush also simplifies teeth brushing for the disabled and individuals with reduced autonomy,” Benjamin Cohen added.

The Y-Brush

The material of the electric toothbrush head is made of a flexible and medical-grade material. In addition, the head brush is lined with very fine nylon bristles to preserve the teeth and gums. Furthermore, the bristles are inclined at a 45° angle to brush all teeth simultaneously. This ensures a thorough removal of dental plaque by recreating the Bass-method recommended by dentists.

The Y-Brush electric toothbrush, which comes in different sizes to fit children and adults, allows the choice of different sonic vibration modes to adapt to all oral sensitivities ― from intensive to low intensity.

Photo Credit: Y-Brush

Final Comments

Y-Brush is clearly a labour of love. The company has perfected its technology and has now created three different brushes to adapt to every budgets and age. It offers the NYLONSTART (79$), the NYLONSTART for Kids (100$), and the Premium NYLONBLACK (129$). The Y-Brush toothbrush is currently available for sale online and can be delivered anywhere in the world within 48 hours.

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