Top Digital Jobs in Demand by Companies

Person working on digital jobs
Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA from Pexels

We live in a time when digital jobs are fast growing in popularity. As the demand for skilled workers grows, there has never been a better time for you to become trained in one of these professions. It could be that you have always had an interest in digital jobs but never got around to actually executing it, or perhaps you just want a change of career for something that is more stable. No matter the reason, training up in a digital career is a very smart move. Moreover, it will enable you to be in a profession in an industry that is sure to last for a long time. With more and more jobs being changed to digital and more companies needing digital support, it is a very exciting time for the industry. Here we take a look at some of the top digital jobs in demand by companies.

Web Developers

Every business out there needs a website in order to stay relevant, so there is no surprise this is one of the most in-demand areas for digital jobs. This role involves designing and creating websites for clients to showcase their products and services.

UX/UI Design Experts

UX and UI is all about designing apps or websites interfaces to ensure they optimize the users’ experiences and make it easy for them to use. This is more important than ever, as we want to be able to find information right away and for our own services and products to stand out to customers.

Data Analytics

Data analytics work with statistics, such as from software like Google Analytics or your own system, letting you know about sales, trends and visitors to your website. They use this data to strategize how to improve your sales and user retention, and to decrease things like your website bounce rate.

Cybersecurity Experts

As digital technology and usage continues to rise, so does the need for it to be secure ― particularly as more people than ever are working remotely. Cybersecurity experts work to keep websites and systems secure from potential hackers and threats that could try and take down a business or hold it for ransom.

App Development

Apps are a great way to offer new interfaces to customers and can improve the experiences they have when purchasing on mobile devices. Because of this, app developers are more in demand than ever before. This role involves designing and building apps for companies to use.

Social Media Management

Every company nowadays is on social media, yet many companies do not put in enough time to sufficiently strategize. With a social media management role, you will be in charge of the posts that go out and try to capture their customers. You will need to think of how you can increase your following and appeal to both new and existing customers.

Final Comments – Digital Jobs

To train you in these professions, there are specialized schools with intense training that allow you to be competitive in today’s job market, such as Ironhack’s bootcamps. These will give you the skills necessary to put yourself ahead of the competition and get the job that you really want.

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