Online Businesses That Have Grown During 2020

Woman Online Shopping
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

2020 has been a tough year so far for many businesses due to the coronavirus pandemic. Many companies have been hurting during this period, and the business landscape has changed radically. It doesn’t come as a surprise to hear of various businesses closing and laying off workers, because so many have recorded massive losses. It’s definitely no longer business as usual. However, some companies are uniquely suited to the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics and are seeing increased demand for their services.

The COVID-19 crisis has become the new normal, and businesses are finding different ways to adapt. But some online companies are doing exceptionally well in this new business landscape. They include:

Online gambling

For the better part of 2020, the first thing that comes to mind is social distancing. It’s one of the measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 and has made it crucial to stay at home as much as possible. As a result, online gambling has become quite preferable among many people. With so many UK online casinos, people don’t have to stay all day indoors doing nothing. During this period, gambling has become a creative solution to make money without interacting with the outside world.

Streaming services

One business sector that has grown during the coronavirus pandemic is streaming services such as Netflix and various TV shows. For people who aren’t concerned about staying smart or learning a new skill, the confinement presents the perfect opportunity to sit on the sofa and watch TV nearly all day. This is where media streaming services come in high demand. For instance, there has been an upsurge in the number of subscriptions to Netflix this year. The number of created accounts is almost double the amount of last year. This shows that the coronavirus pandemic has presented an excellent platform for streaming services to keep people entertained, as staying at home becomes essential for safety purposes.

Online gaming

As the novel coronavirus forces many people to stay at home, companies that promote online gaming have become quite popular since they help keep families entertained. Video games are selling rapidly, and with no school and kids at home, it’s easy to see why. Game makers have seen an uptick in demand, since online gaming is one of the best ways for young people to stay occupied and entertained while indoors.

Delivery services

Many companies have collapsed during this crisis, but the online delivery industry has yet to feel the pain of the coronavirus pandemic. Many consumers are afraid to leave their homes, which presents the perfect opportunity for professional delivery services to fill the gap in the acquisition of goods. They make sure everything is delivered to homes and businesses, hence minimizing unnecessary movements quite significantly. It’s worth noting that food delivery services have been the largest beneficiaries. There’s a rising demand for delivery services as they become a convenient way of acquiring whatever people need at home without putting themselves at risk of getting infected.

The above online businesses are doing better than ever before. It’s not to promote the COVID-19 crisis or anything, but they have filled a gap created by the pandemic. If this is the new normal, then we’d better be ready.

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