Market America, Latest News and General Information: Why Market America Is a Legitimate and Thriving Business

Business Success

These days there is a wealth of information online for just about anything. When taking a look at Market America, and SHOP.COM, it appears that there’s information and claims that seemed unfounded, that I wanted to research. I sought to determine if in fact Market America was a legitimate business opportunity or not, and if so, why?

Market America has many UnFranchise business owners who say that this company is one of honesty, integrity, truth, and moral fortitude. The term “pyramid scheme” has been thrown around rather loosely, and from what I can tell unfairly about this company. Many have been warned that they would lose money and time when building a business with Market America. From what I can tell, hundreds of thousands of UnFranchise business owners successfully building businesses with Market America, seem to have proven this claim false. Market America lets regular people explore something beyond what is awaiting them in the regular 9-5 world. There are many tools available through Market America that allow regular people to thrive in an ever-changing, competitive world and live in a location-independent workspace.

Market America Is Not a Pyramid Scheme

It is understandable if some are cautious about getting involved with Market America. Any large leap in life requires some amount of thought. Some will say that those in Market America are caught in a pyramid scheme. It is vital to do your homework about this organization, or any other business that you choose to get involved with. It is also vitally important to note that pyramid schemes are completely illegal. The United States Federal Trade Commission works consistently with the Better Business Bureau to tackle the serious issue of these nefarious schemes that target innocent individuals and shut them down. Pyramid schemes prey on regular folks trying to reasonably get ahead in life by telling them that they will make more money when other people are recruited. Market America does not work in this way. UnFranchise Owners are successful with Market America through commissions in their UnFranchise businesses. Though teamwork is a wonderful aspect of any business, Market America does not pay for such a concept.

Market America has been the victim of frivolous lawsuits by attorneys and also those looking to make a quick dollar by saying negative things about the company. There are those who are quick to search for Google results. Under these searches, one can pull up websites saying nasty things about this company and others. When you click on them, however, they are unreliable sites without fact-based information. In fact, most of the time they are trying to sell the consumer their own products! The name for attempting to make money off of a reputable company from schemes like this is called “Name Hijacking”. It can be ugly, vicious, and from a completely selfish motive. Market America has been proven to not be a pyramid scheme, but in fact can intentionally calls themselves a “dimaryp model” (which is “pyramid” spelled backward), and is marketed to mean that they are the opposite of a pyramid. Market America works on the idea that those on the bottom, are essentially the top of the company.

Product Brokerage: Quality & Trust

Many people say that they are invigorated with the work they do with Market America because every product the company puts its name behind must meet strict design and quality requirements. According to Market America, their quality-control process is a critical step to their success, involving a dedicated scientific team, key relationships with manufacturers, and a commitment to customers. Excellence in the products is taken seriously in all steps, from the first spark of an idea to production, and onto shipping.

Market America is completely transparent about the ingredients in their products and has been able to show that they contain natural sources that are checked for the presence of trace contaminants like pesticides and heavy metals. This way customers will never receive anything less than excellent products from any of the Market America family. Some other competitor companies have been known for not being able to compare to the superior grade ingredients Market America business owners sell.

As a product broker, not a manufacturer, Market America is able to act as an independent quality inspector between the manufacturer and the customer. If something isn’t right, UnFranchise Owners say that they have a peace of mind knowing that they are able to return a customer’s product to the manufacturer for replacement.

Market America writes that every shipment received into the warehouse must be inspected and approved before it can go to the shelf. Excellent quality control involves high standards for not just Market America Worldwide, but every manufacturer they come into contact with. Research maintains that health and nutrition products across this nation must be produced under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). GMPs are a quality system mandated by the United States, Food & Drug Administration (FDA). GMP is a recognized standard worldwide for the control and management of manufacturing and quality control testing of dietary supplements. This quality system ensures the product meets specifications, is properly tested, and has complete traceability.

The FDA enforces GMP compliance; however, Market America goes one step further. They insist that an independent auditor inspect each manufacturer for GMP compliance. In addition, they make sure to audit manufacturers on a regular schedule. Market America also documents that it follows Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs do the job of providing details about the manufacturing process and make sure that each product is produced exactly the same each and every time.

SOPs make sure to help employees think carefully through each step of the manufacturing process. Through careful practices like this, companies like Market America can ensure that they manufacture the same quality product with the same standards every single time. The exercise of writing the SOP is valuable, and the SOP itself has been shown to be a useful training tool and a reminder to staff of the correct procedures.

These steps are absolutely necessary in order to exceed customer expectations by always creating the best product imaginable. Products such as Isotonix supplements that are scientifically-advanced formulas designed to give your body the maximum benefit from vitamins and minerals.

Market America UnFranchise Owners

There is data that supports the hypothesis that the average person working in a 9-5 job for 45 years only has a five percent chance of financial success. Throughout that time, they toil away the years, working for someone else, only to rack up huge amounts of debt in mortgages, student loans, and credit card bills. Market America is asking average people around the world to think of another option. What if you could formulate a two-to-three-year business plan to form optimal financial success for years to come?

Many Market America UnFranchise Owners say that at one time they longed for the chance to actually love their careers, spend more quality time with their families, and enjoy doing the things that were special to them.

It is worth noting that no one should join any great business venture without proper investigation. There are many opportunities to read about others who are living their best lives through Market America and what they are able to achieve through working to accomplish something more than what they ever once dreamed was possible.

Successful Businesswoman

Some UnFranchise Owners write that they were once comfortable, if not constantly stressed by office politics, the lack of personal life, while also bound by a stressful schedule. They say that they never truly had time to enjoy the things that are important to them, and they were ready to enjoy those things now before they got any older.

Some UFO’s have proclaimed that since they made the transition from their old careers to an exciting future as an UnFranchise Owner with Market America, they have reduced the hours that they spend working in an average week from 50-plus to just 8-12. At the same time, their income has been significantly raised. Most importantly, there is a satisfaction in their lives and pride that was never there before they made the switch to entrepreneurship with Market America.

Plans, Not Schemes

Market America Worldwide provides a thorough system, standardization, state-of-the-art management systems, merchandising and marketing tools, plus growing visibility and the opportunity to own multiple business locations if UnFranchise Owners are interested. According to Market America, UnFranchise Owners are given a detailed plan to follow, and are provided a SHOP.COM website, products, and services, marketing materials that guide them the entire way. It’s like a crash course in marketing! The company even handles the shipping and distribution. UnFranchise Owners simply need to focus on serving their customers’ needs and creating the most lucrative business and financial security for themselves.

UnFranchise Owners have complete access to the Getting Started Guide, a virtual mentor, senior and experienced business partners, and standardized training. It’s like going to business school and learning all of the tips, and it’s included for free in the cost of buying an UnFranchise business.

Plus, the Global Meeting Training Seminar System (GMTSS) offers certified training around the world and online for UnFranchise Owners to learn business-building techniques.

An Honest Company

SHOP.COM and Market America say that they will continue to lead the social shopping revolution for years to come through exciting marketing initiatives and thriving online sales. They say that their secret is the power of people who care about their goals, their customers, and growth in their lives. Many UnFranchise Owners report that they are lucky to have chosen such a wonderful company to grow with. UnFranchise owners maintain that they left jobs that were them causing nothing but stress, and were so happy to spread their wings to grow into greatness.

Market America plans to continue to expand into new markets around the globe as new consumers and entrepreneurs continue to latch onto the exciting opportunities this company has to offer. As a truly global business, they’ve shown they have the power to connect individuals economically and help build success through teamwork and mutual support, rather than competition. Many UnFranchise Owners are excited to be part of a winning team throughout the entire world. From all over the world, UnFranchise Owners report that they feel connected on an international scale to business through Market America.

UnFranchise owners feel that they are protected through Market America. Unlike traditional franchise systems, the Market America UnFranchise system holds business owners to a unique standard of accountability that allows the program to benefit all instead of just a select few. Since the owners, businesses, and products are organizationally interwoven, violations of the system not only harm those who don’t follow the rules but also their fellow UnFranchise owners, according to the company. The system is built to be fair and has been built to sustain growth and a fair earning potential.

Due to the fact that there are so many seemingly selfish people in the world, who want to take advantage of good, hard-working people, it can be easy to dismiss Market America as any one of those “get-rich-quick” schemes. However, research points to the fact that there is a radical difference and uniqueness to the Unfranchise system in comparison to any get rich ploys. Many have reported that with Market America, real financial success was within their reach when they decided to work hard, achieve their financial goals, listen to mentors they were given through the company, and surrender themselves to what they deserved.

True Financial Independence, Not Just Dreams

Many UnFranchise Owners are careful and cautious people. They have said that they did life by-the-book, even if better things seemed closer by not doing so. They were trained by life and their peers not to dream too big. They were told not to get too creative, too loud, too proud, or too ambitious, because life is not full of dreams, but instead hardships. They took corporate jobs and did not protest by making too many waves. Many simply just wanted to provide for their families and make the best out of situations and finances that were available to them at the time.

However, from what I can tell, Market America is a great way to break this mold. They let UnFranchise Owners know that it is perfectly acceptable to start dreaming again and that everyone should look at the vision of financial independence that allows for freedom, health, financial stability, and time with family and friends. Many UnFranchise Owners report that after they found success in their business, they were able to achieve those things and more. They say that they are now able to travel, which is very hard to do with traditional office jobs. They also report that their income has gone up significantly, and because they set their own schedule, they are able to enjoy what they once only dreamed of.

Through the years the Market America UnFranchise system has been refined and altered until perfected. As JR Ridinger put it in a 2017 article titled “The UnFranchise System: Three Reasons Why Requirements Work”, the UnFranchise system “provides the systematization to build a solid, lasting business as well as to expand to any residual income level that one desires.” The key to that last part is that Market America gives its UnFranchise owners systematization. According to Market America, UnFranchise Owners do not just get sent a packet of information and told to go off on their own. The company says that it would be ridiculous, and it is not what Market America is all about. Opening your very own Market America UnFranchise business isn’t just signing paperwork to achieve your dream income. It is about hard work, honesty, integrity, and true commitment to yourself and your business.

A Real System

Many have reported that they are motivated as UnFranchise Owners because they are living proof that Market America can work by providing freedom and income for anyone. Simply stated, Market America’s plan and system have allowed them to be successful. However, they say that their success is rooted in the achievement of so many other people that they work within the company. The business connections and friendships made through this company seem to be strong and built to last a lifetime.

What many find astonishing and delightful about owning a Market America Unfranchise business is that there is no built-in cultural, socio-economic, gender, religious or racial bias in the system. Anyone can be successful, according to the company and its UnFranchise Owners. By virtue of its Unfranchise developers, the opportunities to join this economic giant seem to be real, and completely limitless.

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