The Importance of Professional Technical Document Translation Service

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Translating any kind of document requires a high level of accuracy and attention to detail. However, when it comes to technical documents, the skill required is on an entirely different level. You have to be very careful in choosing a technical document translation service provider. The slightest error can cause disastrous results, depending on the purpose of your document.

What Are Technical Documents?

The formal definition of a technical document is any written content that refers to information about a certain product that includes technical details. There are some kinds of technical documents that are meant for end-users and come with products when you buy them. Some examples are operating instructions, product manuals, user guides, technical specifications, and so on.

There are also kinds of technical documents that are meant for internal use within a business. These include project plans, case studies, business standards, market requirements documentation, and so on. Scientific reports and research papers also fall under technical documentation. Technical documents are usually needed in industries like engineering, IT, medicine, and so on.

Why Is There a Need for Technical Document Translation Service?

Obviously, technical document writers write these documents in their own native languages. However, oftentimes, these documents are not confined to local or regional use. They are either accessible to the public or must be physically distributed to a global market.

In the case of product documentation, for instance, these products are typically distributed to different countries for selling. If the language in the user manual is different from the spoken language of the buying public, how is the buying public going to operate the product properly? This is why technical document translation service is important for these global products.

As for research papers, scientists usually publish them online to share the results of their work with the rest of the world. By using a good technical document translation service, they can reach wider audiences. They can also share their research with fellow scientists, researchers, students, or companies from any part of the world.

With business papers, it may not always be necessary to have them translated if you are a local business where everyone speaks the same language. However, for multinational companies, it is advisable to have some translations prepared. This can effectively bridge the language gap for the foreign members of the company. Hiring CanTalk to translate documents ensures accurate and professional language conversion for your business needs.

Criteria for Excellent Technical Document Translation Service

When looking for a technical document translation service provider, there is more to consider than just the typical factors of cost, turnaround, accuracy, and so on. Technical document translation service is a very particular type of translation, so you have to be extra meticulous when choosing your provider. For your guidance, here are some things that you should expect from a reliable company:

  • Simplifies Complicated Wording

Technical documents often include overly complex sentences and fancy words that can actually be simplified to make statements that are more concise and actually easier to understand. A good translator should be able to simplify these sentences without losing the intended meaning in the original content.

  • Uses the Correct File Format

Different file types can result in different formatting and pagination. For instance, PDFs can sometimes disrupt all the original formatting once the text is modified. However, CSS and HTML can retain the original layout even when making modifications. In order to avoid wasting time, the translator should use the correct format.

  • Pays Attention to Cultural References

When translating technical documents, there may be some cultural references in the content that are not very easy to translate into foreign languages. There may also be some symbols in the original that are unfamiliar with the target audience. For this reason, you should choose a technical document translation service whose translators are not only fluent in the target audience’s language but also very familiar with the target audience’s culture.

  • Localizes Content for the Target Audience

Localization means creating a translation that feels like it was specifically written for the target readers — instead of being an obvious translation. In order to create great localized content, a translator should pay attention to details. This includes units of measurements, currencies, date formats, and even layouts. The translator has to make sure that these fit perfectly with the local culture.

Why Do You Need a Professional Technical Document Translation Service?

Translating a technical document is harder than it seems. Even if you are fluent in the target language and know everything about the subject matter, there are still many other factors to consider that only a skilled and seasoned technical translator would be able to do very well.

There is usually a large amount of jargon involved in technical translation, so many companies use Computer Assisted Translation or CAT tools that will help the human translator to provide the best technical document translation service. You will typically need to pay more for a technical translation than an ordinary one, but it is worth the expense, as this will definitely help your business and help you reach a wider audience.

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