Entrepreneur Neil Billock says that the lack of American companies in Puerto Rico means there is ample room for growth on the small Caribbean island. He and his wife have recently moved to the island to take advantage of the incredible scenery and affordable living costs. He has opened a marketing consultancy business and believes he can help U.S. companies leverage the often overlooked Puerto Rican market.
“Because Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States, rather than an incorporated state, many businesses overlook it as a potential market for business,” Billock says. “But Puerto Rico has many direct ties to the United States and Western culture which makes it the perfect location for expansion. In addition, firms don’t have to deal with the often complex regulations associated with trading overseas.”
Neil and his family moved to Dorado, Puerto Rico late last year. Moving to the Caribbean had been a long-term dream of the couple who felt that intensity of life in the United States was something worth escaping. Dorado, a small town on the north coast of the island, is a popular destination for expats seeking beachfront property and access to world-class golf courses. Neil had spent the past 15 years of his career as a marketing executive for various firms in the United States but is hoping to work on a job-by-job basis now that he has made the move offshore. His consultancy business will work with a range of companies seeking advice on direct marketing strategies.
“Spanish as the primary language shouldn’t be a deterrence for businesses when considering Puerto Rico,” Billock says. “Given the amount of Spanish speakers in particular regions of the United States, the marketing industry has become adept at marketing across language barriers. Many of the firms I worked with in the past required strategies that dealt with Spanish speaking customers. My consultancy will continue to consider this an important strategy going forward.”
“Given my new location and my experience, I believe I would be a primary calling point for businesses seeking marketing strategies in Puerto Rico,” Billock says. “I’m hoping more businesses will begin to contact me regarding not only marketing in the United States, but in Puerto Rico also.”
If you’d like to find out more about Neil Billock and the services he can provide you or your firm, you can find his contact details on his personal URL: neilbillock.weebly.com