Wholesaling Real Estate: The Key to Financial Freedom

Crizzle - Real Estate Cover (1)For many persons, a major goal they hope to attain is to become financially successful. However, with a tough economy, this continues to prove difficult, and individuals are now scrambling to find different ways to make ends meet, by venturing into businesses that require minimal capital and are low-risk. Eric Barnes, owner at www.Crizzleinc.com, is one individual who has experienced several frustrating and low-paying jobs, and has now turned to wholesaling real estate as his pathway to financial freedom – an opportunity he shares with readers in his new e-book “How To Make Money With Real Estate With Little or No Money”.

Investing in real estate is a process often overlooked by persons who believe that it requires large sums of money and expert knowledge to get started.  Wholesaling real estate is a viable real estate investment activity that provides new investors with the opportunity to get involved with limited funds and experience. Additionally, with the state of the current economy, many people are no longer able to afford their home due to various situations including job loss, divorce, and even relocation. This creates an excellent opportunity for wholesaling.

“Wholesaling is a great way to start investing in real estate because you don’t need a big investment, and you can operate right out of your home,” explains Barnes. “It does require you to have good marketing and negotiation skills, as well as knowledge of property valuation, but all of this can be easily learned. Otherwise, it is relatively simple, and offers a lucrative career to anyone who is serious about it, since they’ll be operating in an industry that will always have a market” he reveals.

A successful real estate wholesaler for 3 years, Barnes has opted to share his knowledge through his e-book, “How To Make Money With Real Estate With Little or No Money”, to assist others who are finding themselves stuck in a financial rut, just like he did in previous years.

“I published the book for persons who have found themselves in a dead end job, and feel they need a better way to make money,” says Barnes. “I was determined to find a better way for myself, and now that I have accomplished that, I want to help others to find a better way also,” he shares.

“In my book I will teach you all you need to know about wholesaling real estate –  how to start your company, find properties, get them under contract, assign the contract to a cash buyer, and how to market yourself. None of this requires a big bank account or a loan from the bank. You can simply learn to earn,” Barnes added.

Undoubtedly, real estate wholesaling is a good way to steadily earn a decent income as long as you are “prepared to do some work’, and “roll up your sleeves”, according to Barnes. A low risk method of real estate investing, wholesaling real estate provides individuals with the opportunity to gain entry into the industry with very little to no capital, in an effort to improve their financial situation.

If you are interested in wholesaling real estate, you might also be interested in the e-book “How To Make Money With Real Estate With Little or No Money”  by Eric Barnes, available at www.crizzleinc.com. For a limited time only, you will receive Barnes’ buyers list with the purchase of the book at only $47.99.

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