Taste Freedom Through Blogging from Home

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Depositphotos 49548661 m 2015

Once you taste the freedom of working from home, you’ll never get enough of it!

No more commute, no more extra expenditures on tolls, no more taking orders from bosses or co-workers… are you convinced yet?

So how do you get to this amazing point in life?


And what steps can you take towards that goal?

Obviously you would start by reading this post of the 10 Tools and Tips You Need As A Full-Time Blogger →

Tip #1: Pick a profitable niche

The KEY to MAKING MONEY ONLINE is building a strong FOUNDATION.

The way to build this foundation is to pick a profitable niche.

What is a niche?

A niche is the category your blog fits into in the online world.

Your niche will determine your target audience, the topics you write about and the method you will use to make money off your blog (more on this point later).

A profitable niche is one that has a high level of DEMAND.

In other words, you have to write a blog that people want to read.

Here are the 12 most profitable niches for bloggers:

  1. Fitness & Weight Loss
  2. Health
  3. Dating & Relationships
  4. Pets
  5. Self Improvement
  6. Making Money Online
  7. Beauty
  8. Gadgets & Technology
  9. Personal Finance
  10. Fashion
  11. Travel
  12. Lifestyle
  13. Bonus niche – Parenting

For an in-depth description of each niche and how to blog within it, read 12 Most Profitable Niches For Making Money Online on LadyBossBlogger.

For more help in building your blog foundation, read these posts:

Tip #2: Create an amazing website with WordPress

Once you have chosen a niche, you need to actually create your site.

The first thing you need to do is pick a hosting platform. If you really want your site to get traffic and make money, you will need to pay for self-hosting and a domain name.

If you don’t pay, your blog will have a domain like this one: www.ladybossblogger.wordpress.com.

It looks unprofessional, right?

Instead, with a hosting platform, you can have a domain that’s all you: www.ladybossblogger.com.

Much better!

Our recommendations for hosting are BlueHost and GoDaddy, but there are many options out there.

Second, you will need to choose a website design platform. I recommend WordPress.

With the blogging WordPress themes, you can create a professional yet customizable blog in a matter of minutes!

There are both free and paid themes you can use — it’s up to you which you prefer. As long as they have fast loading speeds, mobile friendly designs, and are very user friendly, you’re good to go!

Tip #3: Create a logo and graphics for your blog with Canva

Canva is an amazing design website for any blogger without access to professional software or a team of graphic designers!

You can create a logo for your website, choose a color scheme and create graphics for Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and every other platform you can think of!

You can use Canva’s awesome templates or you can start from skratch and use their fonts, photos, illustrations and more!

The best part?


You can even create Canva teams if you ever hire interns or anyone to help with marketing, design, etc. and share your designs across the team.

Tip #4: Catch your audience’s attention with A+ headlines and writing

Even if your website and graphics are beautiful, you still have to convince any site visitors to actually read your content!

Never fear! It’s definitely possible to write effective content even if you’ve never written a post in your life!

In my experience, the posts that gain the most traffic are “How To” and “List” posts.

How To posts teach the reader something useful for whatever niche you happen to be in.

List posts (like this one) are those that have # steps to a goal, # tips to be something, or # ways to accomplish a task.

To read more about the best kinds of headlines and blog posts, read How To Write Irresistibly Clickable Headlines.

Tip #5: Start an email marketing strategy

Email lists are ESSENTIAL to making money blogging.

Social media followers are great, but having an email list ensures that your audience is constantly getting updates when you post new content and have access to all your freebies/resources.

I recommend Sumo and Convertkit for your email marketing services.

Make sure to keep your “SUBSCRIBE” button visible on your site so that visitors can join your blogging community!

For help in creating an email marketing strategy read these posts:

Tip #6: Get onto Pinterest ASAP

Pinterest is the BEST PLACE to gain your blog traffic and make more money online.

Pinterest marketing is easy and fun.

When I started using Pinterest to market my content, my page EXPLODED.

I recommend using Tailwind as an automatic scheduler for Pinterest posts, Pingroupie.com to find group boards you can become a part of and Canva again for creating beautiful, easy-to-make graphics.

For advice on creating an amazing Pinterest marketing strategy, read these posts:

Tip #7: Become an Instagram Influencer

Having a blog is key to becoming an Instagram influencer and being an influencer is key to getting brands (and people in general) to notice your blog and start PAYING YOU.

Once you’re an influencer, you can write sponsored posts for brands within your niche and use hashtags like #sponsored, #ad, #[whatever brand], etc. as well as tag products/brands in your photos.

I recommend the Influencer platforms such as ValuedVoice and DiamondLinks.

For more advice and resources, check out these posts!

Tip #8: Convince brands to work with you

Making money online means you MUST get comfortable PITCHING YOURSELF AND YOUR BLOG.

When you pitch yourself, here are the tops things you should include in your email:

  1. Short and catchy subject line
  2. Direct links to social media and blog
  3. Blog stats
  4. Examples of previous collaborations (or just your recent growth if you’re new)
  5. Genuine interest in the company/product

For more advice on pitching, try these posts:

Tip #9: Learn about affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is the #1 way hyper-successful bloggers make the big bucks (I’m talking 6-figures!).

It’s relatively simple and easy to get into, so that could soon be you!

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when a blogger refers their audience to certain companies and/or products (usually through affiliate links) and the company pays them a commission for the traffic/sales generated by their work.

Why should I do it?

Affiliate marketing is the way to make PASSIVE MONEY and grow your business.

In other words, you literally make money while you SLEEP!

A couple of things about affiliate marketing:

  • Always refer only products or platforms you legitimately love and would use
  • Be sure to include disclaimers at the beginning or end of your post letting your readers know that you make commission from the links in your post
  • Uphold transparency with your readers — if they ask what you’re an affiliate marketer for, tell them

The biggest platform for affiliate marketers is Amazon Associates, but there are a ton of great options out there to get started with.

If you’re serious about affiliate marketing, I recommend checking out this online course.

Tip #10: Create your online courses to sell on your blog

Speaking of online courses… You can totally make your own to sell on your blog!

Online courses are a great way to provide something for your followers, empower others, share your expertise, and make money from your blog.

To start this process, ask yourself,

  1. Are there questions that my followers keep asking over and over?
  2. What are you good at?
  3. What are you ahead of the game in?
  4. Are you able to explain things simply?
  5. Are you a good teacher?

If you answered yes to those questions, you might be ready to start creating your own online course to package and sell as a product on your site!

For more advice on how to create a course, check out How To Launch Your Own Profitable Online Course.

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Former National Wedding Sales Manager, Elaine Rau, lost her brother-in-law, her job, and her home all in one week. Stuck in a third world country with no job opportunities, she had to learn how to make an income online... ASAP. So she spent her last bit of savings and invested in a blog domain: LadyBossBlogger.com. Since it's conception, LadyBossBlogger has garnered a massive audience of 100K in just 1.5 years. It's a platform that helps female entrepreneurs learn how to start, grow and scale their own online businesses and blogs. She has been featured on the Huffington PostThrive Global, and over 100+ other websites, magazines and books.