Quit Your Day Job, Freelancing Awaits You

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Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Do you despise Mondays? Do you get angry at missing your favorite program/sports because of the unwanted overtime? Do you dread answering your boss every day? Or have you just had enough of the dead-end job? Then you’re already dreaming of leaving your job.

Well, if you’re not sure which route to choose after quitting a job or are insecure about the paychecks you won’t be receiving after leaving, then worry not! If you’re skilled enough, a smart path is freelancing. It’s a stable career track to follow when you’re finally done with your tedious job. Here’s the proof:

Not yet convinced? Let’s look at the picture from your angle. What do you first ask when the idea of quitting a job surfaces in your mind? How would freelancing benefit me? Let’s explore this idea.

What actually constitutes a freelancer?

A freelancer is a self-employed person offering a service, usually to businesses and often to multiple clients. It is a phenomenon that fits in every field, be it marketing, copywriting, publicity, content writing, web programming, graphic designing, bookkeeping, consultancy, or any other service. If you’re eligible to sell your skills, you’re good to go.

What does freelancing offer? Freedom, flexibility, independence, control, and everything that a potential human being cannot achieve from a regular desk job. You choose the type of work you do, your collaborations, time of work, working hours, the location you work from and the volume you take on. Everything is up to you! Synchronize your projects with your strengths and capabilities. What more could one dream of?

Let’s get back to the advantages of freelancing:

Perks of Being a Freelancer – Make Every Day a Sunday

1. No More Commute to Work: No matter your full-time position, you will have to commute to and from work every day (unless you’re allowed remote work) and if your office is far away, traffic and traveling time can turn your 9-5 into a 7-7. The additional four hours are unproductive and frustrating to have to waste. By freelancing, you can watch your favorite shows, go exercise, or pick up a new hobby.

2. Work in Your PJs, Shorts or Whatever You Fancy: Working for the typical corporation means a professional dress code, whether you like it or not. It doesn’t matter whether you’re wearing shorts or a birthday suit as a freelancer, as long as you’re comfortable and have peace of mind. Freelance your skills and say no to a formal suit, shirt and tie.

3. Be Your Own Job: Is your client giving you a real pain? Drop them; as a freelancer, you have a say in whether you want to work with someone. Decline contracts with people who have negative energies. Make sure to set good boundaries at the start. Your mental state will be impacted by these individuals and the stress they cause, which can lead to insomnia, depression, high blood pressure and weight loss.

4. Balance Your Work/Life Ratio: The corporate world is all about timing; you have to report to and leave a job just like a robot; the minute you are late, your paycheck will be affected. On the other hand, since freelancing is not bound by time, this means you can take as many power naps or yoga breaks you want. You can work at your convenience, plan your vacation anytime, schedule your spare hours and whatnot. This means no more missing family moments.

5. Now, You Choose Your Clients: Perhaps you’ve walked into your boss’s office where he or she tells you that the project you pitched yesterday didn’t sound profitable, so it was shelved. Your creativity, sense of ownership, and future prospects are undermined. Down the road, this can instill resentment toward your boss or you may even lose self-esteem. In the freelancing world, there’s no one to negate your vision; you can work with those whom accept and respect your opinion and believe in your concepts.

6. Job Security: While this may seem like a joke, in reality there is much more stability as a freelancer. In the current economic climate, companies are continuously laying people off and automating positions due to developments in technology. You also never know when the stock market will crash, which can result in redundancies and layoffs. Freelance work is always available and you control your destiny.

7. The Most Important Aspect, Financial Independence: No matter how much your services contribute toward the company’s revenue, you’ll receive the usual paycheck or perhaps a bonus if profit is immensely increased. In the freelance arena, you decide how much to pay yourself based on the time and effort you put in; this way you are truly your own boss. Among 60% of freelancers, every 3 in 4 freelancers earns more within the first year. Freelancing allows you to divide your clientele into different portfolios; this way you won’t depend on one source. If one pulls the plug, the next one can take their place.

I hope these perks are enough to encourage your hidden freelancer. You don’t need to be curious about how to join the growing number of freelance and gig workers; we are here to help. Scroll down and read the game plan to finding freelance work;

How to Freelance? Just Three Steps & You’re in

1. Create a Strategy: To kick-start freelancing, you have to find projects and build your reputation as a freelancer in various markets; organize your strategy and plan it. Planning includes preparing a basic foundation for your skills, such as the region you want to work with, the targeted industry, the number of projects you would like to work at one time, etc. Synchronize your work with the price being charged in the industry. Don’t forget to conduct a SWOT analysis of yourself and then match it with the pros and cons of all the steps in the planning process.

2. Create a Network: Creating a solid network with like-minded professionals is a key to success, especially in freelancing. Browse your LinkedIn profile whenever you seek an opportunity and sync your social media accounts with your website.

3. Find the Right Job: There are many websites that encourage and connect freelancers with potential clients including:

Click and get yourself connected with millions of opportunities and get yourself recognized. You can be looking toward a profitable future.

“Freelancing, or the ‘gig economy,’ as it’s known, is on the rise.” Brennan Dunn

Freelancing might not be your cup of tea, but don’t forget that a salaried job has paychecks while you’re capable enough for the job. Eventually, the job responsibilities may change and after that, you’ll have to think elsewhere. So, why not today?

Be a freelancer now and embrace the new revolution. Take your future into your hands. Eat well, exercise more and be a good partner or parent. Happy freelancing!

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