How to Make Some Extra Money Online


New infographic shows that we struggle to make our wages last all month, with 34% of people running out of money completely before the month is out. We could all do with that little bit of extra wiggle room in our finances couldn’t we? We can’t all become ‘dotcom’ billionaires, but there are so many nifty and not-too-time-consuming ways to make a few bob on the World Wide Web.

Explore some top tips and solutions below.

Content for cash

Recent scandals have shook the market for ‘content’, with Instagram stars breaking down the walls of production around this fledgling and thoroughly personal industry. However, the increasingly structured and open processes behind monetising creative content online has made it much easier to find out how to get involved and build an audience.

You can set yourself up as a freelance photographer, produce vlogs and video content on YouTube or build up an audience on Instagram. If you’ve got the ideas and discipline to post well and regularly, there’s huge potential for profit if you can carve out a niche for what you’re producing.

Commit to online selling

If you’ve got something more ‘offline’ to sell, Etsy is a wonderfully simple peer-to-peer marketplace for selling handmade or unique arts and crafts items. If you’ve got a flair for designing and creating, there’s no reason not to try and turn that talent into cash.

Selling online can seem like a hassle, but if you can afford to invest some initial time in setting up your account and gaining credibility on whatever selling site suits you, it can be a simple and incredibly profitable way of making money out of your skills and unwanted or unnecessary possessions.

Play the markets

Market research is also a huge potential money-spinner for people who are always on the go and in need of additional income. Sites such as Field Agent and Streetspotr enable users to complete simple ‘IRL’ market research tasks in exchange for fees. These can be as simple as popping into stores to check stock, or even take photographic evidence of a marketing campaign. It’s a no-pressure method for money-making that can be easily fitted around your day-to-day commitments. A task here, a task there – they can add up to nice little monthly sweetener.

Website testing is another lucrative option, while survey sites are also becoming an increasingly popular way of exchanging thoughts and feedback for cash.

To find out more about these, and getting involved with online market research, check out this in-depth guide.

And remember – making money online doesn’t have to mean self-interest either. Fundraising for charity is a wonderfully rewarding way to do some good on the web.

So, how do you make money online? Share your top tips below!

This infographic shows how we struggle with finances.



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