LEO – Profits and Products to Be Proud of

Are you sick of working for an MLM company with a compensation plan that never seems to benefit you, and you’re just not that interested in the products you’re selling anymore? There’s only so much antifungal foot balm and firming face cream you can sell before you begin to ask yourself ‘Am I really happy with this?’

LEO 1Then you might want to take a look at a relatively new kid on the block with a refreshing outlook, a revolutionary approach to direct selling, inspirational products and a compensation plan to get excited about – Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO).

Established in 2012, LEO is a global entrepreneurship training company, which in only four years has opened eight offices spanning five continents. From Canada to Vietnam, and Egypt to China, this is a truly worldwide organisation that is really making waves!

Of course, this amazing success in such a short period of time is no coincidence, when you consider what the company has to offer – products to be proud of and direct selling bonuses with benefits!

Bonuses to believe in

LEO has a big heart and a high-minded mission ‘to serve mankind by unleashing human potential.’ While this might sound a little lofty, the organisation is dead serious about its aims and puts its money where its mouth is with a generous compensation plan.

Tim Venables, LEO Global Operations Manager
Tim Venables, LEO Global Operations Manager

Tim Venables, LEO Global Operations Manager, and compensation plan guru commented:

‘What has really struck me about the LEO business is that our compensation plan is truly remarkable. It is like no other plan I have seen before in the industry.’

If you are already a network marketing professional, you will no doubt know all about the matching bonus in a compensation plan, where income is made from the sales of your downline. However, the exciting concept at LEO comes when income also drips from above. LEO’s reverse matching bonus is a revolutionary plan which is understandably popular with its Members – a generous bonus to be proud of, gained from the sales of your upline as well as your downline!

When asked what particularly appeals to him about LEO, highly successful Member, Ash Islam said:

‘I love the compensation plan and I love the way the company works, the whole vision behind the company – a company with integrity, being transparent to its Members.’

In addition to this refreshing concept, LEO also offers what is called its ‘Top of the World’ award. If you’ve ever wanted the chance to become top of the tree in your network marketing team, this ticks the box. With this award, you are given several chances to rise to the level you want through concerted effort.

So, as one of LEO’s core presuppositions is ‘Our Members are the heart of our business’, what do their Members think about this? Ash says:

ash islam
Ash Islam, a highly successful LEO Member

‘It’s actually great, because the compensation plan allows you to earn in many different ways. I was actually shocked to earn a substantial amount within my first five days, and that was incredible alone, because I’ve been in network marketing companies where they were telling me, you know what, work hard now and in two years’ time you might make something of yourself, and here it’s like five days and it’s amazing and not just myself but it’s my team, they’re all earning, and that’s what I really like to see – a team where everyone’s earning, not just the people at the top.’

There is also no question of Members being kept waiting for their income, as payments are made promptly on a weekly basis.

In fact, with a little effort in your entrepreneurship journey with LEO, there is a whole lot more you can achieve. For example, the organisation regularly runs remarkable events which its high achievers can attend free. Notably, there will be a Global Leaders’ Summit in Greece during July, with no-holds-barred luxury lifestyle treats for its qualifying Members.

Products to be proud of

Of course, it’s not just about the profits to be made, but also about the products on offer. Quality products will not just be easier to market, but will also mean that Members can feel that they are genuinely providing a valuable service to others. Well LEO provides just such a synergy between profits and products.

Offering a wide range of top-notch, multilingual e-learning education products, LEO harnesses the power of online learning to offer invaluable training opportunities on a state-of-art e-learning platform. There are four core products it provides, which are designed to help people start their own business – e-learning, e-tutoring, technology and live seminars. LEO gives its Members the chance to LEARN – gaining the business skills they need to be an entrepreneur – as well as EARN, while doing this, and ultimately, to OWN their own businesses.

In fact, e-learning is the fastest growing area of digital content sales, and according to a recent report by Docebo, shows no signs of slowing down. With the flexibility it provides, it is perfectly placed to provide training solutions to the budding business entrepreneurs of today.

LEOA primary benefit of such quality online learning products to a global organisation, is that they know no geographical boundaries, so can appeal to all. Indeed, LEO is passionate about education and believes that everyone has the right to an education. In fact, the LEO Charity wing of the organisation has even sponsored a project in Jordan to help Syrian refugee children receive the education they need to have a better future.

So, if, as the song goes, you ‘can’t get no satisfaction’ where you are, why waste your time on something you don’t enjoy, when there is a business opportunity out there that you can really believe in and a beneficial bonus scheme to back it up at LEO!

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