How Entrepreneurs in 2019 Are Making Thousands from Specialist Subjects

Man sitting with laptop

The new-age entrepreneur knows how to take advantage of online tools to succeed. The Information Age has made it possible to access comprehensive and specialist learning materials to build valuable skills from the comfort of our homes.

According to an article by Forbes, the ‘E-learning’ industry is expected to be worth $325 billion by 2025, and many eager entrepreneurs are already making thousands by offering online courses in their unique field of expertise.

Want in on the action? Check out this comprehensive guide to E-learning, how it has already transformed the digital marketing landscape, and how you can benefit from online learning — both as a learner and a teacher.

What is E-Learning?

First thing’s first, what exactly is E-learning, when was the term first used, and what benefits does it offer the modern entrepreneur? Our world is increasingly fast-paced, and while digital technology has made the sharing of information quicker and more convenient than ever before, it’s also meant that our day-to-day lives have had to accelerate in order to keep up.

The internet has made it possible for us to cut corners and engage in learning activities virtually; the rise of online courses mean we can learn an enormous range of skills without having to leave the house. The term ‘E-learning’ was first coined in 1999; although the practise of long distance learning has existed for decades, the internet made it possible to connect with and learn from people anywhere in the world, instantly.

E-learning has widened the field of what is available to study, so you can benefit from someone with specialist knowledge on the other side of the globe from the comfort of your living room. It’s made it possible for companies to train their staff without the effort or expense of sending them on physical courses, and it means individual entrepreneurs can learn about specialised study areas in an affordable and flexible way that works with their lifestyle (check out this Home Business Mag article for more on the benefits of online learning).

A New Dawn for Digital Marketing

As well as making skills and knowledge acquisition easier and quicker, E-learning gives those with experience in specialist subjects the chance to market their expertise to a wider audience. Indeed, it is possible to make a successful career entirely from selling your knowledge through online courses, especially if you’re an expert in a very niche field. People are turning to an increasingly saturated web to find out everything they need to know — high-quality online courses are a premium that people are willing to pay for.

Charging for the E-learning courses themselves is one way to generate profit, but there are many entrepreneurs who charge only a small fee for access to their expertise, and alongside this generate their main income by using the course as an advertising platform for business products and services.

In the age of E-learning, knowledge truly is power — and, more than that, knowledge is increasingly becoming a profitable commodity. So, how do you know if you have the expertise to make money with E-learning? Read on to find out about the current most popular areas of study for online courses.

Popular Specialist Courses

Here are some of the most popular types of E-learning courses available today:

  • Business advice
  • English speaking lessons
  • Machine learning and data analysis
  • Public speaking and communication
  • Body language
  • Job-seeking advice
  • Career development and salary negotiation
  • Time management
  • Computer skills (e.g. algorithms & coding)
  • Wellbeing and mental health advice

Unique E-Learning League celebrates the best and most unique online learning opportunities. Check out their site today to have a browse of the current course fields that are deemed the most unique — note that you don’t have to be tech savvy to sell your skills online! From selfie-taking masterclasses to dog training tips, this site shows that there is no field of knowledge that can’t be exploited for a considerable income.

Tips for Budding Course Leaders

If you think you have knowledge that’s worth sharing, E-learning courses could be a great option for you. There are a few essential moves to make when starting out as a course leader:

  • Ensure you have a gorgeous, user-friendly website to act as your business’ shop front and give your claims credibility.
  • Be clear to your customers on exactly what they will gain from your course.
  • Offer additional study support – for example, by setting up an online forum for your course participants to chat and exchange study notes.
  • Play around with different teaching techniques – learning isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ exercise.

Whatever your area of expertise, sharing your knowledge and skills toolbox is an excellent way to connect with like-minded others, share your passion and generate an income.

What’s stopping you? Set up your own online course to be part of the exciting world of E-learning today.

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