How to Earn Money from Internet Marketing and Live Your Dream Life

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If you’ve read anything about how to earn money from Internet marketing or affiliate marketing, then by now you’ve heard of John Crestani. The California-based CEO is a world traveler who spends his days exploring his passions while his affiliate business rakes in millions of dollars in revenue a year. He is aptly named the “Super Affiliate”, and his 12-week educational program can show you step by step exactly how he earned that title.

What Does John Crestani Do?

While his beginnings are similar to many people’s, what sets John Crestani apart is what he does now. His company, Nutryst, does pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing, AdWords, conversion optimization, social media marketing, and many other types of affiliate marketing. Even while John is off exploring the world, and most of his business is automated or handled by his team now, he is still available to be online to actively keep his company running smoothly.

How Does John Crestani Build New Business?

Most affiliate marketers want to earn money from Internet marketing that is most closely aligned with what they are already interested in or blogging about. Sticking with a niche they know is their way of making their job more interesting, and that’s always a good thing. However, John’s secret is that he goes a step farther; rather than focusing on a niche he understands and is passionate about (health supplements), he also ensures that every product he markets is a top of the line, innovative product. Merchants come to John’s team, knowing that they only represent the best, willing to pay to have such a trustworthy spokesperson in their corner.

How Is John Crestani Sharing His Wealth?

Eventually, you’re going to get to a point where you’ve learned how to earn money from Internet marketing, and are living the kind of life you’ve always wanted. What comes next? For John, it was offering to share his wealth of knowledge by training new affiliate marketers. Through his 12-week training course, John explains all the key concepts of PPC and other types of affiliate marketing; then he shows real-life examples from his own work so that you understand exactly how a campaign works. There are hands-on exercises, group chats where everyone can benefit from a community of helpers, and a final large project where John allows students to watch him in action as he creates a real campaign for his business.

John Crestani’s Top 3 Tips for a Successful Affiliate Marketing Campaign

In a recent interview, John said that he considers the following three things core skills for a PPC professional, or any affiliate marketer:

  • Know how to structure campaigns.
  • Know how to fully optimize your ads and your landing page.
  • Understand conversion strategy and how to use it.

He also said that it’s important to build your niche-specific skills. You may not ever have to talk to a consumer, but you do need to know how to talk about the product to attract the right customers. If you’re going to do reviews, or create educational material, you need to be seen as an expert in your niche. This is only accomplished when you’ve honed your niche-specific skills.

As you can see, learning to earn money from Internet marketing isn’t an overnight success story. John Crestani admits that, while it didn’t take him long to start earning money, he hasn’t made it to where he is today without a lot of hard work and dedication.

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