5 Ways to Make Money on Your Everyday Expenses

Person driving car on road
Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Your everyday expenses may not be as bad as they may seem. While you have housing and vehicle costs to pay along with utilities, groceries, and other expenses, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

With a little effort and time, you can actually make money off your expenses. Keep reading this post so you can end your search for how to make money fast. So you don’t have to search for ways to make money fast, we’ve compiled the 5 best ways you can make money on your everyday expenses.

1. Become an Airbnb Host

Mortgage payments may only be due once a month, but owning a home is truly an everyday expense. Aside from your mortgage, you also have to pay for utilities, taxes, and home services like cable and internet. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could earn extra money to put towards these costs?

If you own your home and have extra unused space in it, now is a great time to become an Airbnb host. As a host, you’ll open your home to guests who are looking for short-term housing. Similar to a hotel, guests will pay a set fee to stay in your home for a few days. All you have to do is provide a bed, bathroom, and other basic housing necessities.

As a host, you set your nightly price. You’ll want to base your price based off of what other hosts in the area are charging. But, if your home offers extra amenities like a swimming pool, hot tub, or a home-gym, you can up the price, as guests are often willing to pay more for more amenities.

2. Use Cashback Sites When Making Purchases

Chances are you’re one of the millions of Americans who purchase items online. Online retailers offer the flexibility and convenience of buying clothing, electronics, and even groceries with the click of a few buttons. While you may search for coupons and deals before committing to a purchase, there’s another way to make more money on these everyday expenses.

Cashback sites like Ebates and Mr. Rebates offer a percentage of cash back based on your total purchase price. You’ll find cash back from 2% all the way up to 10%, and sometimes higher. By making an order through a cashback site, they make a commission. As a consumer, you’re given a percentage of that commission.

3. Pay With Your Cashback Rewards Card

Another way to make money on your purchases is to use a cashback rewards card. While some debit cards offer cash back rewards, you’ll find that these programs are most commonly found on credit cards. By shopping at certain stores or purchasing certain types of items, such as groceries or gas, you’ll receive cashback, as long as you make the purchase using the rewards card.

Depending on the credit card, you may make a flat 1% on all purchases, or you may have a rewards program that allows you to earn 3% on gas and 2% on travel expenses. By simply making purchases and paying off your card each month, you can make money on your everyday expenses.

4. Drive for Uber or Lyft

Unless your car is paid off, chances are you pay all sorts of daily vehicle-related costs. Not only do you have to pay your car payment, but you’re also on the hook for:

  • Gas
  • Auto insurance
  • Repair and maintenance

If you have extra time a few days out of the week, you could use your car to make money. As an Uber or Lyft driver, your job is to get people from point A to point B. You can choose which rides to offer along with the hours you work. This money making venture is extremely flexible, though the more you work, the more you’ll make.

On average, working as a driver you can expect to make around $15-25 an hour. Super drivers who dedicate a lot of hours each week can make much more. As a tip, you’ll make the most money at night, on the weekends, and on holidays.

5. Make Money Online

We’re all guilty of spending a lot of time online. But, what if you could use this time to make money? In the digital world, there’s no shortage of ways to make a few extra bucks. One of the easiest ways is to take paid surveys. With sites like Survey Junkie and Swagbucks, you can take quick surveys and make quick money!

Another effective way to make money online is to become a website tester. Website designers and owners will pay you to review their website before releasing it to the world wide web. As a website tester, you’ll provide feedback about how usable a website is. You’ll also test the design and functionality of the site to find any problems.

With your feedback, websites are less likely to be full of errors and poor design. Make some money by doing a service for billions of people.


Though many don’t think of it, there are all sorts of ways you can make money on your everyday expenses. By choosing one of these five options, you can put extra money in your wallet on a daily or weekly basis.

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