5 Things to Remember as You Launch Your Home-Based Speaking/Coaching Business

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Launching a speaking and/or coaching career is an excellent way to create a viable home-based business that can generate generous profit margins. Oftentimes, business owners only think of speaking as it relates to live appearances on big stages, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Speaking spans across many platforms, including virtual platforms that allow you to serve others while in your pajamas, offering all or majority of your programs and products virtually.

There are multiple home-based, revenue generating options in the speaking and coaching industry including, webinars, podcasts, teleseminars, virtual training programs, video training programs, expert interviews, individual coaching, group coaching, membership sites and online university. These virtual platforms allow you to reach a wide audience from home.

Below are 5 things to remember as you’re launching your home-based speaking or coaching business:

1. Keep your overhead low. Don’t stress yourself with the overhead and financial commitment of running an external office. Instead, invest in necessary office equipment (computer, printer, and copier) and turn a room in your home into an office.

2. Utilize reliable video and virtual platforms. Research and invest in subscriptions and/or memberships to credible, reliable video and virtual platforms such as GoToMeetings, Zoom, and Google Hangout that allow you to maximize your coaching and trainings and to record sessions.

3. Tap into the power of social media. As it currently stands, social media is a powerful,
free form of marketing and magnetizing more clients to your home-based business. Social media turns your business into an international entity overnight. Create profiles on the platforms where your ideal clients hang out, be consistent in posting, be sure to engage, and always educate & inform.

4. Come out from behind your laptop to create connections. Operating a home-based business can begin to feel lonely when it’s only you and your laptop all day every day. Challenge yourself to create supportive relationships and connections by attending live events and networking opportunities at least twice a month. This will expand your reach and connect you with like-minded business owners.

5. Create healthy boundaries. Although you operate your business from a home-based office, it doesn’t mean you have to work 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Create clear boundaries between your work life and your personal life. For example, you can set a specific time for family dinner each evening and stick to it regardless of outstanding business tasks. Stop for dinner with your family, be fully present during that time, and go back to business later.

Speaking and coaching doesn’t need to be face-to-face to be effective. With webinars, podcasts, teleseminars and etc. you can reach a large audience just from your home. Having multiple virtual revenue-generating options gives you the comfort of working from a room in your home, while still reaching your desired audience. Allowing yourself time off will also ensure success for your business as you will clear your mind and create new ideas for upcoming sessions. Keeping these five essential steps in mind will help your home-based business thrive.

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