Starting an Affiliate Business in 2020 – The Basics

Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Nowadays, there are more people who are interested in making some side money. Online there are many ways to generate income and one of the fastest is by starting an affiliate business. This can be added to a normal job and be a great source of income or people can work on it normally, 40 hours per week.

Although affiliate marketing might not be as simple as actually making money through having ads on your site, it gives everyone the opportunity to generate income without the need to have a blog or any products that people actually own.

Basically, the business’s main “job” will be to create traffic to the merchant’s site through the link, which is the affiliate link.

There are many ways to create traffic and, therefore, to generate income. Even with a tight budget, there are still ways to have traffic. There are ads on Facebook, Instagram or even Google AdWords.

It’s a whole world and it can be used for those who want to generate traffic. Sometimes it’s even easier than they think, but coming to that conclusion does not happen right away.

What’s an affiliate business

An affiliate business is a business that’s part of a network for those who want to have a bigger income to make more money with their blog. There are many options regarding affiliate marketing and also strategies for businesses to actually succeed.

It’s a business where there’s a retailer paying a commission to another website for traffic or sales that are generated from its referrals.

Having an affiliate business is a great and popular method to make money and there are many partners with whom it’s possible to work and to get paid by referring visitors or buyers to the business.

To be successful can be hard but it’s not impossible, especially nowadays, when everyone has internet available.

What are the best paying niches

There are many niches when it comes to having an affiliate business and you can choose your own. Of course, there’s the opportunity for you to choose the one you know the best and the one you want to work with.

Nowadays, there are many niches that people are working on and that people still are interested in and still are creating new blogs and new sites.

The best paying niches are: Beauty, health and wellness, gambling, hobbies, outdoor survival, pets, fitness, fashion, gadgets, self-improvement, investment and loans. From those you can choose one with which you want to work with and work from there.

Thankfully, there’s a lot of information online and, therefore, you can have many content on your blog regarding any of those niches.

You can work on a niche you feel strongest about or just the area that you feel you’ll like the most. It depends on what you want.

But these are the most profitable niches and you have the possibility to start working on any of them. Maybe you have worked on one of them before, so that’s already a positive point for you.

What are the ways to get traffic

There are simple and easy ways to generate traffic. One of those ways is paying for advertisements, which is definitely something that many people do nowadays.

This can be on social media since that’s how it’s possible to generate a high number of traffic to the affiliate link the person has. Paying for posts on social media is a great idea since those who open the link will likely buy the product that is advertised, so there is that huge advantage.

YouTube is highly beneficial for generating traffic regarding an affiliate business, so it shouldn’t be ignored. Reviewing a product or even just showing it can work wonders to get traffic, besides there’s always the opportunity to make money with YouTube.

Of course, there are other video channels available these days such as Vimeo that can also be used.

Email marketing is also a good idea for getting traffic, even though it isn’t the first method that people think about when considering ways to get traffic for their affiliate business. However, there is always people reading their email and, therefore, it’s a good idea to send an email.

Of course, there is the need to build a list and then to start actually sending emails with the relevant content. It’s important that this content has quality or people will start unsubscribing rapidly.

Product reviews are a great way to generate traffic since there is a lot of research for reviews before people buying something. It’s estimated that 90% of potential buyers read reviews before making a decision to buy something. This is definitely a huge number and, therefore, there should be something done towards it.

How long does it take to make money

Usually, making money with an affiliate business takes about 6 to 12 months of work to actually see proper results. Of course, it will depend on the time that people work on it, if they’re good at it, doing it right, etc.

The business should be strong enough to generate traffic and income and give them the possibility to rest a little bit. But there are many factors that it depends on.

The niche you pick and the competition in it will also be a large factor for determining whether and how fast you’ll succeed.

If you take a look at probably the most competitive SEO niche in the world, online gambling, you’ll have a great example.

If you pick a really saturated market with a lot of competition, such as the UK, it might take years till you make any reasonable money and a big budget to get there.

A better strategy is focusing on a newer market with potential, but not that much competition.

You could do what Lioncasinos did and launch MVP (minimum viable products) in a lot of markets, but focus on those that have less competition. That’s what they’ve done by launching Lioncasinos in India and many other emerging markets.

People shouldn’t stop working even when there are results. Everyone should continue working on their affiliate businesses and create new content and new ways to promote their affiliate links. These are ways for them to actually be able to generate more income.

These businesses are a way to create active and passive income, so it’s necessary that there’s an established future plan.

An affiliate business can generate money easily, but there’s the need to actually know what the person is doing. This is extremely important and there are many ways to have this knowledge. Starting from the middle is a great way to start and can help much more than starting from the beginning. Thankfully, it’s possible for many people to learn how to do it through the internet.

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