Snapshot: How to Run Your Own Woodworking Business from Home


The business of woodworking can be a seemingly daunting business venture to most people but if you truly have a passion for woodworking, it’s not so daunting at all. That logic applies to anyone wanting to start their own business… the passion just has to be there. Typically, woodworking businesses start out as hobbies that blossom into successful businesses. Whether it’s a family member that recognized your talent or a gut feeling, there is a need for woodworkers and you can have a successful business with the right tools and resources.

Getting Started

Do a Test Run of Products First

So, in starting any type of business, it is recommended that you draft a business plan. That is still a very necessary part of your woodworking business but because woodworking is so time-consuming and involves a great deal of manual labor, it is recommended that you do a little field research first before drafting your business plan.

You’ll want to create a few products to see how well they sell and even consult with a few local businesses to see if there is even a need for the products you create. If you don’t do this bit of research first, you could end up with a stockpile of products that are of no use. Once you see that there is a need for your products, you can then draft your business plan.

Obtain Proper Licenses and Permits

Regardless of where you live, most cities require you to obtain certain licenses and permits in order to run a business from your home. You’ll want to contact your local business development office to see what will be required of you. According to BusinessTown, you’ll also need to check to see if your home is in a zoning area that allows different home businesses. But if your home is not zoned in a commercial area allowing home businesses, you have the option of running your woodworking business from a storage unit.

Secure Funding

Unless you have the money laying around to fund your business, you’re going to need capital to fund your business. This is probably the hardest part of starting your business because it takes money to get your business off the ground. You’ll need money to buy the proper tools and most importantly, the wood.

Your wood is going to be your most expensive material, mainly because it is going to be a constant expense in order to keep producing products. So what’s the best way to fund your business? Well, you have a multitude of options. You, of course, can ask for help from your friends and family but the whole aspect of borrowing and paying back can get a little tricky sometimes and ruin relationships.

Your best option would be to look to an SBA loan. It has been the go-to source for several small business owners that don’t have the upfront funds to get started. There are also several grants out that will help you get your start as well. The bottom line is that there is money out there for your business, you just have to find it… funding should never be the reason why you don’t start your buiness.

Acquire the Necessary Woodworking Tools

Getting the right woodworking tools is what’s going to take your woodworking business to the next level. It’s going to make production go quicker and it will make production much easier. You want to find a company that will have the specific tools you need for the products you’re going to sell. As you expand your product selection, you can then expand on the necessary tools needed to produce other projects and pieces. From wood sawing tips to planer blades, Ceratizit is your woodworking solution for any woodworking projects you may have.

Start Creating Your Products

This is where your passion comes into play. It’s during this step that you have all the necessary tools and resources to create all the products you want to sell. You can create anything you want, but you definitely want to base the products you create on the market needs. Maybe you have a talent for creating beautiful oversized picture frames or mirrors.

Whatever you create, just make sure that it’s something that will beat out your competition. Consumers love uniqueness and the fact that you will be creating your very own products, you have the ability to customize your products the way you like.

Market and Sell Your Products

So now, you have a nice stock of products you’ve created, you now need to spread the word and sell those products! You can either sell your products online, in-store, or both. If you decide to sell online, you’ll need to create your own website so that online customers can shop from the comfort of a mobile device or you can talk to local stores and boutiques and see about setting up a contract to be a supplier for certain stores.

Whichever way you decide to do it, you have to get your brand out there. You can always hire a marketing firm to help you out and you can also promote through social media and word of mouth. It just depends on how you want to go about it.

All in all, there is a market out there for the products you want to sell, you just have to go for it and take the necessary steps to turn your passion into a career opportunity. The hardest part is making up your mind to actually do… once you get started, everything will fall into place.

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