10 Technology Tips for Startup Companies

Creative team talking in office

How many startups launch each year?

You’d assume that question has a straightforward answer, but it doesn’t. Getting such data from all countries around the world is not easy. The GEM Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report gives us some insights. 100 million businesses are being launched on a yearly basis. Wow!

That’s huge. But we all know that not all startup companies succeed. Some fade out after the initial enthusiasm, while others never see progress. What makes successful startups different? There are multiple factors, including motivation, business and social environment, leadership, and more. But information technology also makes a difference. When new technology supports all functions in the company, it makes daily activities more efficient.

Let’s focus on that aspect. What exactly should you know about current and future technology?

10 Technology Tips and Tricks for Startups

1. Bring in Funding

Business owners get endless benefits from new technology, but this is the most important one: they can fund their startups thanks to crowdfunding platforms.

All you need to do is feature your business idea on a platform like Indiegogo or Kickstarter. Then, promote the crowdfunding campaign as much as possible. People from all around the world want to help startup companies.

You’ll make a pledge for those who fund the business. They can have an early delivery of your product or access to your online platform. You have to return the favor!

Omstars, an online yoga platform that achieved great success, was launched thanks to a Kickstarter campaign. The founders raised almost $150K before launching the website. They offered extra classes, yoga mats, and other nice things for the backers.

2. Make Your Computers More Efficient

Do you use a Mac as your main tool for doing business? Most startup tech companies choose Mac computers since they are reliable and easy to use. But there’s a problem: when they crowd them up with unnecessary apps, computers become the greatest distraction.

You still want to use apps, but you’ll limit yourself to the ones you need. Take time to uninstall apps on Mac, and you’ll easily fight the procrastination habit.

3. Use Tech to Handle Employee Salaries

The tool for handling employee payments is especially important if you own an international business. The laws vary between countries. It would take a lot of effort for you to figure things out by reading laws and regulations. You could hire an accountant to do that for you, but you could also use a tool to take care of the salaries.

By choosing a Payroll global tool, you handle the payment process with ease.

4. Big Data Is Essential for Campaign Planning

How do you know how your marketing campaigns perform? How can you figure out what your audience needs? What type of content attracts more audiences?

Big data gives you the answers. It’s the foundation of future technology for startups and marketing. Trough big data analytics, you can understand what your audience wants and how you can encourage them to engage with your business.

5. Video Conferencing Is the Standard of Business Meetings

Video conferencing tools? That’s the kind of information technology that you already use. Did you know that it could make your startup more efficient? When you interview job candidates or schedule meetings with potential business partners, you can do it through a video conferencing tool.

Skype is a simple choice. Everyone uses it, so you know the other person won’t have to download and learn how to use a tool before the meeting.

6. Use New Technology to Deliver an Outstanding User Experience

When starting a business for the first time, user experience is one of the main things you should look into.

For a startup to work, it has to be customer-centric. You build it with the intention to deliver what the customer needs. The website and apps are essential elements of this experience. That’s why their interfaces should be founded on UX design.

If you’re not a developer, technology tips won’t help you much in this aspect. It takes someone with great experience to design a website or app that makes your target audience happy. You can easily hire designers through Upwork or other freelance platforms. See? You’ll still rely on technology!

7. Use Project Management Software

Information technology makes project management easy. Tools like Trello and Asana let you organize all project tasks in a single platform. Asana is especially popular, with companies like Deloitte, Google, NASA, Airbnb, and USAID using it.

Then, you’ll share the plan with your team. You’ll assign daily tasks and they will provide feedback. With this, you have full control over all processes in your business.

Email used to be the main communication tool between team members. But new technology is taking over.

8. File-Sharing Tools Are Essential

Dropbox, Google Drive, and similar tools enable you to upload documents on the cloud in a matter of seconds. You can choose the people who have access to that content.

This is a much more effective method of sharing files when compared to email. If you send documents via email, you expect everyone to download them and keep them on their computer. It’s hard for them to find the document they need in a crowded folder. The cloud is information technology that saves time and space.

9. You Can Have a Remote Team

An office is not necessary for your business? You’d like access to a global pool of talent? Sure!

Remote teams can be very efficient when you handle them well. You can rely on freelancing platforms to find the right people for the positions you have. Then, you can use project management tools to make sure they work in cohesion.

10. Spy on Your Competitors

What’s the real reason you’re looking for technology tips and tricks? You want to attract more of an audience and be better than your competitors. Yes; there are tools to help with that. First of all, you can set up Google Alerts, so you’ll get updates when competitive brands get featured in blogs, videos, news, and discussions.

You should also check out BuzzSumo, which lets you see the number of social shares your competitors get through content. You have the same target audience. This tool helps you see what that target audience responds to.

Let’s not forget social media. You can monitor their activity on all platforms. When you see what works, you’ll think of something even better. This is something called “competition monitoring,” which is a standard among startup tech companies. It’s not about spying. It’s about being informed.

Stay Updated on Current and Future Technology

Hundreds of startups are being launched on a daily basis. With modern technology supporting them, modern business owners can turn any idea into a huge success. Sure, there are risks involved in starting any business. But even the financial risk can be minimized thanks to crowdfunding campaigns.

From the process of planning through all stages of development, there are tools and online platforms that make things easy.

Hopefully, the technology tips above will help you overcome any insecurity and give your idea a chance.

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