First Steps to Setting Up Your Own Business

Man working in office
Photo by Marc Mintel on Unsplash

If you have an idea that you think is worth turning into a business, don’t delay that — if you have the resources necessary to pull it off, you are wasting time by postponing your plans. This is a common mistake that many people make, and the worst part comes when you see someone else implementing that very same idea and enjoying a lot of success as a result of it. It’s not even that hard to get started, and there are just a few basic steps that you need to take to get the ball rolling.

Legal and Accounting Issues

The most important aspects of your business are going to be legal and accounting. Make sure that you have the right specialists available to contact if you encounter any setbacks and do your own research as much as you can before starting your company. Things like the advantages of certain business structures, Sole Proprietorship negatives, common accounting terms, accounting deadlines, and much more — you should know these by heart before even opening your company. Sure, you can always pay a lawyer or accountant to explain them to you. But you should save that for more complex questions that you can’t easily answer with a quick online search.


The other critical aspect that you’ll want to sort out early on is how you’re going to fund that business. Taking out a loan if you don’t have the money available is perfectly fine, as long as you have a solid plan of action and are planning to repay it in full with no delays. Otherwise, you’re risking the future of your company before it’s even started, which is obviously not the ideal approach that you should be going for. You can also try some alternative funding approaches like crowdfunding, but these only tend to work in some specific niche cases.


Every business needs a website and a great website can provide a platform for success. Choose a domain name that’s associated as closely as possible to your real business name to avoid confusion. You’ll have a range of CMSes to choose from to manage your website, including Squarespace, Wix, Drupal and WordPress. WordPress is the most popular option and is a good choice for any small business. Finally, you should choose a specialist agency that are experienced with small businesses. BFI are an example of a company that have built and support websites for hundreds of small businesses.

Long-term Goals

Starting out is easy enough. It’s when your business starts to grow that things get really interesting because you’ll have to make some difficult decisions at that stage. Expanding a company is a very difficult process, at least if you don’t want to see it crumble under its own weight eventually. You’ll need to know exactly where you’re headed and have a plan of action with important milestones clearly set out. Even if you don’t manage to follow this plan 100%, don’t worry. The important thing is that you know where you’re going in the first place.

This also involves hiring new people, which you’ll have to do sooner or later, whether you like it or not. You can’t keep running your business on your own forever, at least if you want to see it grow, and hiring new employees and business partners can be a stressful ordeal. But in the end, you chose to start this in the first place, so you should keep working on it and investing all you can to see it grow. You never know how big this company might become a decade or so from now.

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