Top 5 Businesses to Start ASAP

Interested in starting your own business but want something you can start ASAP? Developing a business is often considered to be a time-consuming process. While it’s true it does take time, regardless of what type of business you start up, to establish a company and earn a large turnover; there are many businesses you can get started on as early as tomorrow, or today depending upon how early it is! Here we’ll look at 5 of the best businesses you can start right away.


1. Baking

One thing most people love is cake! Thanks to hit shows such as “The Great British Bake-off”, now has never been a better time to get into the cake-baking industry. Obviously, you’ll need to be a pretty skilled baker for this one, but the equipment required is affordable and very easy to get hold of. It’s also something you can start right in your kitchen. However, you will need a food hygiene certificate and register with your local environmental health officer.


2. Car cleaning

It’s a simple idea, yet you’d be surprised how many people use car cleaning services these days. Setting up this type of business is easy and you again need very limited equipment. If you offer a valeting service, you can also get away with charging more, providing you do an excellent job that is!


3. Handyman and home improvements

One business that’s going to provide good job security is a handyman/home improvements business. If you’re good with tools and repairing stuff around the house, you could make a decent living from those skills. With this type of business, it is worth investing in high quality, professional equipment such as petrol powered air compressors from SGS Engineering.


4. Pet sitting

If you’re an animal lover, a pet sitting business would be ideal. You need very little to set up the business as you’ll typically be looking after pets in their own home environment. However, if you have the space, offering to take in pets could increase your profits. This is one of the easiest businesses to start ASAP.


5. Computer repair

Know a thing or two about fixing computers? Then you have a sought-after skill-set! Setting up a local computer repair business is a great way to earn a good income. As great as technology is, it can be extremely unpredictable and often goes wrong. Most people have no idea how to fix a computer so they rely on expensive stores to help. As a computer repair technician, you’ll be able to charge good money for your services.

Overall, these are just 5 great ideas of businesses you can start ASAP. No matter what your skills or interests, there’s plenty of great businesses you can start up.

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