Universal Business Plan Template

Person working on a universal business plan template
Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Today, we offer you a practice-proven systematic methodology for developing a startup or small business plan. The universal business plan template, along with a business startup cost tracker template and some other tools, allows you to develop a map for creating a successful business at a price that is affordable for any startup creator.

What Is a Business Plan Template?

A business plan template is a document that is so structured and formatted that one quickly creates a business plan on its basis. It is broken down into the key sections and subsections that you include in an effective business plan, and each one contains questions to be answered.

Working with a good business plan template, you type in the answers to the questions, edit the text, and prepare the business plan. However, that won’t necessarily be easy. For example, some questions (e.g., what trends affect your market?) require research. In turn, others (e.g., what promotional tactics will you use to attract customers for reasonable money?) force you to think outside the box and develop the best strategies.

Why Is the Business Plan Template Universal?

It’s simple. No matter what business you have — IT, investing, or banking — you need answers to the same questions. The universal business plan template developed over many years, and this was after many analyses of hundreds of thousands of projects. We included the questions you ask in our one-size-fits-all template. However, keep in mind that the template is not a questionnaire. When filling out the sections, write extensively and meaningfully to explain your project to any person who participates in it.

Inside the Universal Business Plan Template

Business Plan Summary

Recommendation: Write the summary after you finished your business plan. It is much easier to prepare the summary based on all the other sections.

Business Description

Recommendation: Start with a concise explanation (in one or two sentences) of what your business is.

Critical Success Factors

These are unique competencies that make this business plan successful.

Recommendation: List every reason your project will be successful that you think of.

Below are a few examples to choose from. Add your own and delete what doesn’t fit.

  • Products or services: Our products and services are superior to the competition for the following reasons: <a list of reasons>.
  • Human resources: Our management team has unique expertise in the following industries: <a list of industries>.

Company Description

Fill out this information:

  • Date of formation
  • Legal form
  • Office address
  • Business stage (startup, existing company)
  • Financing previously received (amounts and dates)
  • Products and services of the company (names and dates of launching)
  • Key partners (names and dates)
  • Key account contracts (names and dates)
  • Important employees hired (names and dates)

Industry Analysis

The following is what you need to specify in this section:

  • Industry turnover
  • In-kind contributions
  • Other important statistics
  • Market trends (growth/decline)
  • Industry trends (changes in consumer preferences, etc.)

The Volume of Available Market

Below are a few examples to include:

  • The number of customers potentially interested in our products and services during a calendar year is <specify the number of customers>.
  • The average sum of money, which these clients can spend on our products and services within a year, is as follows: <specify the sum of money>.

Target Customers

This is what you need to know about them:

  • Age
  • Income
  • Gender
  • Place of residence
  • Family status
  • Family size
  • Occupation
  • Language
  • Education
  • Values and goals
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Business size


Whether you start a restaurant, hotel, nonprofit organization, coffee shop, or high-tech project, the universal business plan template works for you. However, the main thing is to fill it out meaningfully to make your business plan well thought out. After you think your future business out, it is easier to create and run it.

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